Friday, February 26

"A Wilderness Explorer is a friend to all, be a place or fish or tiny mole." - Russell

When Porter turned eight he joined Cub Scouts in the Wolf Pack. He loves Cub Scouts. He loves that he has a uniform with patches (that have not been sewn on yet, why don’t they make those things iron on), he loves that he has a book and he loves doing the activities from the book and earning more patches and clips that hang off buttons and belts and he loves doing it all with his “pack” of friends.

I was asked to assist in Porter’s pack and Olen is the Cub Master so we’re just one big happy Cubbing (that’s Cub Scout slang) family. I’m not as enthusiastic as Olen and Porter are about scouting. Tying knots and helping the elderly cross the street or making bird houses out of milk cartons aren’t really what get me going. Our pack’s once a week meetings at the brink of dinner time isn’t my favorite thing either. But you know what is? This guy.

So I am embracing the call and learning to enjoy the hour I spend each week with Porter and my friend Ashley (who really does it all) as we help our pack of eight year-old boys progress patch by patch towards becoming Eagle Scouts. I guess dinner time will just have to wait.


  1. I was cub scout leader in one of my wards and the only way I enjoyed it was to just do it. And you know what? It got more fun when I did that.
    Keep up the good work! Just wait till pine wood derby comes, thats really fun!

  2. Those cupcakes look pretty delicious! You're a great Mom! I guess one of the definitions of being a mom is doing stuff we'd rather not because we love our kids that much. I was in Scouts without having a cute boy like your's and it was not as fun. :) But I sure love the stuff Scouts teach those boys!

  3. Oh blessed Cub Scouts.

    The scout shop has this miracle product called badge magic. Not a stitch is needed and it heat sets in the dryer.

  4. David has been Scout master for that last 7 years! Our ward split and he is no longer in scouts I never thought I would hear him say he missedit but he says it all the time!

    As far a magic badge goes only use it on badges you know you are not going to have to move around it is a mess to try to take off.

  5. Good for you.. and yeah that is so a calling I do not want :)

  6. I'm with you on scouts. The first time we did it the lady in charge (don't know position name) was a crazy mean lady (she made me cry one time) I didn't put my all into it and I always regretted it especially when we got released cause I knew I didn't do everything I was supposed to. My sis in law Star LOVES cubscouts. She asks for it when she moves into a ward. She has great ideas so if you need anything I'll give you her number.

  7. i pray every day that my kid turns out as cute as porter.
    what a kid.

    and i also have to say this, although its VERY random.

    whenever Jeff tries to convince me to move to the wilderness and purchase guns and go fishing every day as a family... i think to myself... well, molly married herself a man who loves that stuff and she pulls it off and makes it look cool. so if molly can do it, i can. (i like to pretend that i am cool like you, molls.)

    so if i end up in wyoming with horses and raising myself some cowboys and cowgirls... i will mark it off as becoming as cool as you. just fyi.

  8. I have a few more years yet. And then it will be scouts and young women.

    Did you make the cupcakes?

    Porter is such a cutie.

  9. I love the movie Up. LOVE. And your son looks so cute!

  10. Aloha,
    you go him all the way to EAGLE!! I have one Eagle and another in route...Our Scouts program is great, I also am the advancement Chair. It helps to support them, thats why we earn it with them,,,the pins..woooohoooo, right!!:)
    good job

  11. Isn't it fun?!?

    My girls - 3 of 'em are girl scouts- scouting is such a great experience. :)

  12. I'm actually Mormon hahaha. But my grandmother was Jewish, and I strongly relate to that culture.

  13. Hi Molly! Thanks ever so much for stopping by and saying hi!
    Scouting... we'll be there in just a few short years.
    I haven't decided if I'm excited or not yet. =)
    Oh, and I responded to your comment on my blog. Perhaps I should have answered it overe here but I didn't think of that until after the fact. =)

  14. Oh, my goodness that is the cutest thing EVER!!! How proud are you?!? ;)

  15. Oh, my goodness that is the cutest thing EVER!!! How proud are you?!? ;)

  16. That is awesome... you should be very proud.

    I want a cupcate too BTW, blue on the bottom, very cool.
