Monday, February 22

You're beautiful baby!

I am most grateful to accept this award from Lourie. Even as I sit with my pony tail, pink-striped pajama bottoms and Olen’s t-shirt; I am feeling very beautiful. Thank you so much Lourie.

The conditions of accepting this award are to share seven facts about you and to pass the award on to fifteen other blogs you’ve recently discovered. Now, here’s the thing; you know how people say that it’s the third baby that can really throw things off kilter (haven’t you ever heard anyone say that)? Well, they ain’t kidding. I’m getting the hang of it all now just great, but man did our third kid really rock my boat. Diaper bags, nap times, feedings and car seats really don’t leave me much time for discovering new blogs. Not to mention my return to real estate and my desire to have a life outside of my computer chair. So instead of nominating fifteen other blogs I’ve recently discovered I would like to award this Beautiful Blogger Award to all of you. Thank you for taking the time to see what’s going on in our little world and for being so beautiful. Good for you.

I really love reading random and little-known facts about you, but when listing stuff about me I always feel like that one scene from [one of the best movies ever made] Beaches when CC Bloom is getting interviewed and she’s all “…I’m a person with deep feelings who feels things deeply.” Gag me, right? I’ve done a few tags where you answer funny questions about yourself and I’ve left up one or two, but I’ve also deleted a couple after 35 nauseating minutes of publishing. But since I know I can’t ask you to go back home and write out your seven facts without me sharing first, I will be brave.

First here’s what facts my family would tell you about me:

“Well, you’re really pretty (okay, some of these aren’t facts). Your favorite color is yellow (totally is) your favorite foods are your diet foods like fish (totally aren’t) and you like to spend time with your family.”

“You love to travel, and want to live in Italy (dead on). Your hobby is doing your nails (dead wrong) and your favorite movie is Life is Beautiful.”

“You like to clean (well, I like a clean house, so yeah).”

Here’s what I would tell you about me:
1. I’m turning 29 this year and am freaking out a little about it. Having Olen talk about getting a mini van is not helping.
2. If I could spend the day with anyone in the world it would totally be Tina Fey, we would be best friends forever. If she even knew I existed.
3. I think I missed my true calling as a news anchor. I think I could totally rock that job.
4. When I was little I wanted a small family. I would tell my mom, “I’m only going to have eight kids.”
5. I have tried, but just can’t get into sparkling vampires or under-aged werewolves. But really I know it’s just because I’m crazy jealous that such a mediocre piece of literature could be so insanely (and monetarily) popular. But I would never tell anyone that.
6. Being a mom and wife are what I love best. It's the greatest to loose count of how many times I get to say "I love you", and really mean it, each day.
7. I am a deeply feeling person who feels things deeply. There, I said it.

Now you know what to do, you beautiful blogger, you. Don’t leave me hanging.


  1. You are very welcome! 29? Really? Just wait. Sorry had to say it. ;) Yes, kid #3 throws you for a loop. You are totally out numbered. Haha. I love that you had your fam list things about you. And I love the picture!

  2. Thanks, now I am really excited for July. ;) I am sure I will survive somehow.. but yeah it is going to be crazy adding number 3.

    I am going to be the big 30 this year! Talk about yikes!

  3. YEA! Another award! A day with Tina Fey sounds super awesome! I think I'm going to try asking the kids about me. It'll be interesting and kinda scary cause Cecily is on a brutally honest kick, full of sass.

    ps: I am totally looking forward to my 29th birthday because it will fall on 11-11-11 and it's going to be one awesome party.

  4. Yes, the third child really does throw you off kilter. It's because there are more children than you have hands. It does balance out though or nobody would ever have more than 3. :-)

  5. I mostly just love that picture of London. She has the most charismatic pictures, and someday she is going to love that.

  6. I love these kinds of posts. I laughed about Porter thinking your favorite food was diet food LOL! But I said aww about the Beaches quote, because I have some great memories of that movie, and even if it is cheesy, I feel that same way. I feel deeply too and sometimes it drives me crazy. Also, you would be an awesome news anchor. And lastly, don't knock the minivan. Well actually, you can knock it because I did before I got one, and now I am in love with it. And I will not hang my head in shame I say! (I tried to find this toyota sienna commercial that made me laugh. They called the van their swagger wagon...)

  7. Twenty nine didn't bother me. 35 did- I could no longer (honestly) say I was in my early 30's. And this October I will be 37 which is KILLING me because it sounds so close to 4... 4... I can't even say it.

    I love how you added your kids answers. :)

    ps. I love the font of your post titles.
