Wednesday, February 17

If ya ain't got a Disneyland...

Every Tuesday at the Bass Pro Shop is kids' night, but you don't have to be a kid to have a great time.

We got to have Aubrey come along and the lady asked me if all my kids wanted to enter the coloring contest. I said, "Yes, and so does my sister." and totally threw her for a loop.

First we ate a little free popcorn and colored while checking out the aquarium feedings happening behind us.

The craft project was making your own kaleidoscope. This was a huge hit with Aubrey and Porter, but London was done sitting still after the coloring.

Bass Pro's boat show is happening right now. (What a coincidence.)
Here's what scheming and dreaming at its finest looks like.

Daisy was such an angel and charmed all the other customers walking by with her dimpled smiles.

Porter and Aubrey try their skills at the target practicing.

London gets a lesson from "Eagle Eye" himself.

But decides she would rather watch.

London gave me exactly .5 seconds for a photo op in the most comfortable hillbilly chair I've ever sat in.

I said, "London, I want a picture of how pretty you are. Say 'cheese'!"
Then I got this:

"Yikes Elle. That turned out to be a scary cheese. How about you don't say anything and just show me your beautiful brown eyes?"
Then I got this:

"Wow. Okay, this time just look at me with your eyes and smile, but don't say anything."
Then this:

"Alright. Just hold still and let me take a picture and then I'll buy you some cotton candy."
And finally this:

Porter gets his chance to burn rubber like Dale Jr. at the Nascar simulator. Aubrey (who rode shotgun) got a little car sick, it was that real.

He could only just barely see over the steering wheel and came in 14th place. Not too shabby for his Nascar debut.

This pictue tells a lot of stories. 
Two generations.
Two boys in a candy shop (Their motto: "Early to bed, Early to rise, Fish all day, Make up lies").
Father-in-law fresh from heart surgery (two weeks ago).
Louis L'Amour in the back pocket in case he finds himself waiting on the women.
Nights like this just go to show, you don't need a theme park to find the "happiest place on earth".


  1. Looks like you guys had a fun time. I'm a little mad all have short sleeves on while I have a PILE of snow here! Something just doesn't seem right for some reason!

  2. Bass Pro Shop IS just like a amusement park! There's lakes and stuffed animals everywhere. Glad you guys had fun:)

  3. What a character London is! hahahaha. Love all the pics.

  4. I didn't know they had kids night at the Bass Pro Shop! I used to be a mystery shopper and one of the jobs I would do was at the Bass Pro Shop, got paid to hang out there for a while, it was fun :)

    Love the pictures of London, so funny!

    And I LOVE Daisy's double chin, hehe so cute.

  5. And if ya ain't got a Bass Pro shop, what then, huh?

  6. Molly, what type of camera do you use?

  7. Who knew there was so much fun to be had at Bass Pro Shop?

    London makes me laugh.

  8. I had no idea all that was at bass pro! Last time I was there we just wandered around not sure what to look at cause it was so huge. Looks like we just need to go with the Reynolds.

  9. Carrot, no Bass Pro?! Whoa, I'll have to think on that.

    Micah, I've got a Canon Power Shot SX200 IS and love it!

    Lene, and it's all free! (on Tues. nights) ;)

  10. What a fun, fun activity! My kids would absolutely love that! (And so would my husband.)

  11. Kind of unfair that you are so gorgeous. And I love the captions for L's pics. ;)

  12. How fun! I didn't realize that Bass Pro Shop had a kids' night. Molly, I absolutely LOVE the way you documented your whole family fun night. You have such a great talent in writing. -Love all those photos. -And Daisy's dimpled smile...soooo precious!

  13. lol. We don't have one of those but it sure looks fun. Your pics of the little one cracked me up- it's so when you want a cute picture the most you get a hand full of stinkin' cheese. :)
