Wednesday, July 21

Good Word Wednesday

My last house in the pipeline closed today.

I got my real estate license almost seven years ago as a way to ignore 
the depression knocking on my door after my first miscarriage. It's been a huge blessing in my life ever since.

I've been telling myself that as soon as I get this last file closed I would take a break and do something that doesn't require me to beg banks, chase emails, and leave countless voice mails. Now that I have no other reason to turn on the computer except for my own personal projects, I'm having second thoughts.

I'm a person who likes to get things done. I like starting a project, especially one that looks hopeless and bringing it to a close with a successful outcome. I enjoy a challenge and I like to win. Real estate keeps my brain active and I hope has allowed me to help people along the way.

In the past six years, the real estate market has changed moods so many times and I feel like I've finally got a pretty good grip on who it is now and I don't want to leave the party just yet. I think I won't be hanging up the towel after all.

If you ever need me, you've got my card.


  1. YEA! This is great news cause I thought for sure we burned you out with our two doozies. I know the point you were at though, I hit the wall with video 2 years ago and it felt like I was walking in mud up to my knees. Hopefully someday I can get the satisfaction back of editing a video without breaking into a cold sweat.

  2. Wow, Molly. So neat! I didn't know about this wonderful talent of yours (you have so's hard to keep them all straight). I am sure you are a real estate dream-come-true. We have really struggled with our realtor for our first house. I wish I would have known your towel not only hung, but was hanging in there. Next time...

  3. I'm glad that you didn't let it go, it sure helped us out!

  4. Man I wish you could be a realtor in every state because I sure would have flown you out to be mine this past time. Love the picture bytheway, you look mahvelous dahling. :)

  5. If you get really bored you could always go back to school.

  6. I was just sayin' to myself,
    "I need a realtor in Arizona..."
    Then, boom.
    There you are.
    Now I've got one in every state except 49 of them.
