Sunday, July 25

Reasons to Celebrate

For the weekend of the 4th of July, we are usually found in Heber, Arizona celebrating in fabulous weather watching fireworks booming off the canyon walls with the wild Reynolds family. This year we got a surprise addition.

This year our whole family participated in the 2nd annual Carrissa's Run. Olen was fantastic and offered (yes, his idea!) to carry Daisy in the Moby and walk with London so that I could run the 2-mile fun run with Porter. Walking into the first 50 yards London said her legs "ran out of gas" and sat down on the side of the road. Daddy has a soft heart and carried her on his shoulders the rest of the way.

The bar is set pretty high ladies; I hope your husbands have as good a reach as this guy. I sure do love him.
Daisy was not so happy I woke her up to go walking. It never takes London very long to recover any lost fuel, does it?

Another foot to go and Porter will be as tall as me!

The Heber/Overgaard parade is always a good time. We all wished they would have let the fire trucks spray the crowds like they always have done. One rouge water squirt on a highway patrolman last year and the parade goes dry. Maybe next year we'll skip the parade and have our own water party at Haskel and Val's? I think I might market this idea.

Olen decided not to enter his General Lee in the parade like last year. In fact, Olen and Daisy opted out of parade viewing and were back home taking naps. He earned it.
To London everything was exciting. Even another tractor.

I don't call this kid "Son-shine" for nothin'. He is such a light in my life.

After the parade, we were fed like kings at Grandma Wendy's house by the boss steak chef himself, Haskel. Just before dusk, we headed down to the high school field to get comfy before the fireworks show.

As we were parking I get a text from Christopher with a picture that I recognize as the baseball field where we usually sit. It read, "Where are you?"
I screamed in the front seat, "No way!" and made Olen worried.
Chris called and said "Surprise!" No duh, it was a surprise. I had just put on my brave face and left them in Colorado the weekend before and didn't think we would see them till the fall or later.
Chris got a wild hair at work on Friday and talked Katie into a road trip, and down they came.

We met up on the field in our new spot and I pretended that Chris and Katie had only just come up from Mesa and really weren't going back to Colorado again in a day.

We cut our stay in Heber short by a day so that we could meet up with the Richards side back in Mesa and enjoy the reunion with Chris and Katie while we had them.
I made matching shirts for me and my girls this year and I think I also created a new tradition.

Daisy is so squeezable!

We give thanks and celebrate our freedoms and the everlasting pursuit of happiness. Near or far.


  1. Although it was cool to be in DC for the 4th, deep down we really would have rather been in Heber grilling it up with the Reynolds! Mitch especially. Next year we'll be there so save us a patch of grass!

    Daisy probably didn't like Carissa's run because she was remembering last year when you ran it with her in your tummy. Remember she hated it last year too, she made you soo sick!! haha

  2. I wish we could have come, we almost did since Chris and Co. was going to be there but it was to much to pull off in a day.
    For sure next year!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It was so good to see you Molly, especially in Heber! How did the pictures turn out with your family picture and the crazy guy that came up behind you? Your faces were so funny! I loved the shirts you made too!

    ps: I'm totally bummed to have missed the steak lunch. Haskel really is the best grilling man.

  5. that is the coolest surprise ever. They win. that's all I can say. they win. :) (and you do too of course)
