Friday, July 16

The Sun Shines On


Humble. Hearty. Grows were planted. Sturdy. Sweet. Follows the sun. Feeds the bees. Simple. Beautiful.

    I didn't plant that many this year and I'm wishing I grew the same variety that I planted at our Acre House in Queen Creek. Those were purple and red! If I can find some more room, maybe it's not too late. I got up early and watched the bees gather breakfast this morning.

What's good news for my sunflowers is bad news for my roses.
The sun. It's so wickedly hot right now that my roses look like this:

    These usually are purple and have the most amazing fragrance. Right now they look like something the Adams family might have growing in their garden.

    All my reds seem to have shut down flower production completely and the pinks look like this:
    Mamasita said yesterday that she thinks of these hot days that confine us to our air-conditioned spaces as opposite snow days. It helps if I tell myself the reason I don't want to walk across my driveway to check my mail till the sun goes down is that it's covered in two feet of snow, instead of really being 110 degrees and capable of giving my bare feet a second-degree burn. I'll take whatever can get me through till September.

    Aubrey and Olivia left yesterday for their eight-day stay with Chelsea and Mitch in Virginia. What will Porter do for eight days without his best friends and partners in crime? Seriously. He thinks he's going to die. I think he is actually starting to wish school would start sooner.

    Daisy is 9 months old today. She crawls (kind of) and plays peek-a-boo. I wish time would stop moving so fast.


  1. Beautiful dependable sunflowers! Roses don't make as good of friends as sunflowers. I'm so glad the card reader worked I was really worried there for awhile.

  2. YAY! i heart molly blog. Thats a sweet picture of the bee flying right in front of the sunflower. I tried growing sunflowers from seeds....and they are almost dead. I guess don't have as green a thumb as you do. (and i forget to water them all the time.) of your sunflowers is retarded and has petals growing out of the middle... just in case you didn't know.

  3. Thanks for the invite, Molly. I knew you went private and I keep forgetting to ask you for an invite. I’m so excited that I have access to your blog again! You have such a refreshing style and it’s always fun to read your blog! Your sunflowers are gorgeous! Wow, I hadn’t heard of purple and red sunflowers. If you do plant those again, you’ll have to be sure to post pics. That stinks about your poor roses.
    You’re hilarious! I love your perspective on the opposite snow days. I feel that sometimes, EVERYTHING should be canceled here because of “Intense Sun Days.” –And I can hardly believe that Daisy is already 9 months old!!! Wow, it really IS crazy how fast time goes by!

  4. hooray! I'm so happy your up and running again!

    Those sunflowers sure top my wildflowers that are really actually weeds we let grow too big!

    and beth is right you do have a special needs flower! haha

  5. I AM THE WORST gardener EVER! I really wish I could have beautiful flowers like you do.
