Thursday, July 31

Ok, my turn...

A tag about me...Molly
i am: woman. Hear me roar. (First thing that came into my head. High five Dad!!)
i think: I’m ready for this nasty hot summer of 2008 to go away and never come back.
i know: how to make the fussiest baby sleep through the night. I’ve done it twice and I could teach you, too. :)
i want: …a room full of laughter…10,000 tons of ice cream…and if I don’t get the things I am after, I’m going to scream.
i have: the best husband in the world and the cutest kids. I know, I know, how boring to just state the obvious, but I simply can't think of anything else to write...
i wish: I could have more patience and I get really cranky when I can’t control everything. Is controling everying too much to ask?
i hate: eating alone. It’s depressing. But I do anyways.
i miss: my sister. Oh, and my flat pre-baby stomach. But it’s ok, because I know that one day I will have both of these back again.
i fear: loosing my kids. In any form. Worst nightmare.
i feel: stressed, mostly. Next, I feel busy, usually. Then, I feel loved, always.
i hear: London. I just realized she’s been tapping my leg holding the Tupperware of cookies. I wonder how long she’s been doing this. What have I become…?
i smell: with my nose.
i crave: Chick-Fil-A and Pete’s Fish and Chips and my mom’s Texas sheet cake and hugs from my kids and my man.
i search: for socks. I hate folding laundry. It’s a curse, as all my sisters will testify.
i wonder: what life will be like this time next year.
i regret: things I say. I always speak before thinking things out all the way.
i love: having sore muscles because of an awesome long run.
i care: about how my kids look. London’s hair gets done before mine.
i always: say my prayers.
i believe: in fairies. I do. I do.
i dance: like a mad woman to Bruce Springsteen. Put it on. Crank it up. And watch me go.
i sing: In my laundry room. The acoustics are rad in there.
i don’t always: Brush my teeth. So sue me.
i fight: with my sewing machine. I swear it hates me.
i write: with my hands. Just kidding. I write in my blog (duh), e-mails, in my journals and letters. I love writing letters.
i lose: my cool when people are mean to my kids. Don’t cross that line.
i win: not often enough. But I do play a mean game of “slug bug”.
i never: go to bed without checking on my kids. It’s an OCD that I’m going to keep.
i listen: to the voices in my head and to my mom. The older I get, the smarter she becomes.
i can usually be found: yeah, on the computer or in the kitchen or with my kids. Well, my kids can usually be found with me, actually.
i am scared: about loosing Olen and/or my kids. These people make up 99% of who I am. I wouldn’t be whole without them.
i need: a genie in a bottle.
i am happy about: the future. I wish it would hurry up. See…this is where that patience thing would come in really handy.

Tuesday, July 29

Well, Olen is gone till Thursday on a fishing trip to Utah with some buddies.
This means that the night owl in me gets to stay up as late as she can. Whoo! Whoo!
I have absolutely nothing to post except that I'm pretty wide awake and about to watch a movie and fold laundry. ( trip...folding laundry...something's not adding up here.)
Oh, guess what?! The new Fry's in town has a complete natural foods section. It's my newest favorite hang out. They even have the grid-your-own-peanut-butter machine. It's on sale right now, so go down and get your PB and J on. I bought three pounds today. That is some good eats.
Hollar to Bethany! who's "special friend" comes home from his mission tomorrow. I'm excited sicky sicky for you, B.

Monday, July 28

The count down begins...

Well, what a busy week of nothing.
Do you ever have a week (or any amount of time) that seems to be taking forever to get through, but when you think back it seems like the time just flew? Well, that describes this last week. I don't want it back, but seriously, where did it go?

Porter has started counting down the days. Actually it's a little more obsessive than that because last night in his prayers he said, "...thanks for school starting not this Wednesday, but next Wednesday..."

School starting is sad for me because I give up my little man for six hours a day and happy because I know how much he loves going.

On Saturday I went to a fabulous class with my fabulous sister-in-law, Katie, and made button bracelets at Blissful Living Studios (betcha' thought I was going to say fabulous!). What a blast! This is a place so enchanting and wonderful it's worth paying money to just hang out at. The class was taught by my super-crafty aunt Whitney and the button bracelets are her adopted brain-child. Come see all the fun on her blog or the Blissful Living Studios blog. Blissful Living has classes all the time, just take a look at their calendar. If anyone ever wants to go - call me! (Plus Pete's is just around the corner for lunch...)

Sunday, July 20

Diamond Backs and Dark Knights

We went to the Diamond Back's game on Friday night. They played the LA Dodgers. We had great seats courtesy of our good buddy, James. (Thanks again!)
I really love baseball. It's my favorite sport to watch. If I at all understood football I think that might be my favorite sport because jumping up and screaming at the TV just looks so darn fun.
Anyways the fans were super intense. This guy on the left was holding up a "Beat L.A." sign and the guy on the right was holding up a Dodgers banner. I guess the beer was really kicking in by the seventh inning because the fans were getting wild. We left when the game was tied 7 to 7. On the way home we heard the Dodgers won 8 to 7. So glad we didn't stay. L.A. fans are serious about their baseball.

The kid behind me was really cute. He would yell to the D-Backs in English and then in Spanish tell his dad what to say too. But all his dad would yell was "Atta Boy!". It was sweet and made me want to pick up Spanish again.

On the way back to our car we ran into these guys in front of the Hard Rock Cafe. I was majorly creeped out but Olen thought it was the coolest thing and wanted a picture. Ick.

And the answer is YES! go see The Dark Knight. Whoa. That was one good flick. If you saw it, tell me your favorite part. Mine was when the car turns into a motorcylce! Oh man, Christian Bale is one hottie...

So tomorrow is another week of Summer School (it's just two hours a day). Porter officially hates it now and wants his "normal summer days" back. I do math flash cards with him every day and I think he's near officially hating me, too.
Two more weeks till school starts....

Tuesday, July 15

DeAnne, I'm taking your challenge.

Get cozy and let's reminisce about the good, the bad and the ugly.
Here's how it works.

1. Leave me a comment about a memory you have with me or Olen or the kids or all of us together. Break out the Ginkgo Biloba and start remembering the good times.

2. Then carry on the challenge and make this same post in your blog.

(If you feel like leaving a comment, but don't feel like having a Blogger account; just write the comment as "Anonymous" and add your name at the end. Everyone join in!)

Monday, July 14

I took out my camera and then noticed I was the only mom taking pictures (eek!) so I settled for just one shot and quickly tucked my camera back into my purse...

School doesn't officially start till August 6th, but summer classes for first graders at Porter's school started today. Porter was pretty excited to start school today and was telling London not to worry because he would still be her friend even though he's a "First Grader" now.

In other news...
We had a busy-busy weekend. Friday was Billy Ray's (Olen's Daddy) 70th Birthday Party. Such fun.

Then Saturday Porter lost another tooth. Tell me, please, is it normal for kids to loose a tooth once a week during this age? I can't tell for sure if it is, or if Porter has discovered that loosing teeth can be a lucrative business for a six year old. Oh, here's a funny. Well, you know how Porter is totally allergic to cats? Well, Porter woke up the morning after the Tooth Fairy visited him and was sneezing and having such an allergy fit. I said, "Oh, sounds like your allergies are high today." And he said, "Yeah, I guess the Tooth Fairy must be a cat" and went to put his money away. I just had to smile. It must be a cat.

So, back to the weekend. Saturday afternoon was Cara's (sister-in-law) baby shower and that was great. I found out I like quiche. Who knew?! Great job Arlissa et al.

Later that night we went to Christopher's and Katie's Miller St. Cottage for some delish dinner and games. Stayed too late because it was too fun to leave.

Sunday was Justin's (cousin) homecoming and since his family is in the same ward as my in-law's we did some more hanging out.

Sunday was also Aubrey's (my baby sister and Porter's best friend) birthday. She's nine. So we went over to the folks for more food and cake. Good end to a good weekend.

Thursday, July 10

It's gone! Sweet joy! It's gone!

Craigslist, I love you.

Wednesday, July 9

Half-Birthdays For Everyone!

So on Monday Olen brought home a t-ball bat, a glove and some balls out of a model home in his community (because the kids touring the house kept playing ball in the model) and gave them to Porter.

Port goes,"Hey, dad, you must have brought me these for my six-and-a-half birthday, huh?!" Olen goes, "Yup. Yup. That's what they're for, Best Buddy."
Meanwhile I'm in the kitchen making a pineapple upside down cake thinking "Huh...?" (cuz Porter's "half-birthday" would have been last month).
Then Porter says, "And mom that's what the cake is for, too, huh?!"
Then I go, "Um..yes? Yes. It is."
Well then we all were too deep into the whole half-bithday thing, so we got out the candles and made it official. And really, shouldn't we all have half-birthdays? It just feels so right.

Honestly, I wasn't planning on taking pictures, then Olen says "Love, get your camera! This would make a good blog, right?" I don't know if he was teasing me (most likely) or being serious. Either way he was right. So I got my camera...

My humble first attempt at pineapple upside down cake isn't too fabulous; but it's all whole-wheat and fresh pineapple if that counts for anything. And check out Porter's face; he's in pure half-birthday heaven. I think London is just hoping we make this a family tradition because she's due for a half-birthday in December.

We used seven candles, because using six whole ones and cutting one in half is just ridiculous. Please people.

The results. Is that one wicked kool-aid smile, or what?

Monday, July 7

4th of July American Pie

And we're back from another fun-filled 4th of July weekend in Heber, AZ. We ate and played and ate and watched the awesomest fireworks ever and ate some more. It was a grand ol' time. Just scroll on down and let the pictures do the talking.

It is the tradition of the parade to squirt and be squirted. "Grandma" Wendy provided the guns and ammo and the kids provided the squirting. Porter kept his gun loaded and pumped so if you dare shed a drop of water on him you better expect a blast of water back. He was lethal. (Don't you love how he's posing like there is actually a scope on his water gun?! Oh, and check out his TWO missing top teeth. So cute.)

Our 'Little L' and her amazing smile. Can't you just hear her saying "CHEEEEESEEE" straight through your computer screen?

And here's me and Olen. I can't think of anything to say about this picture except check out all the sexy silver hair Olen is getting. I love it. (And I'm told I'm fully responsible for it. So, yay me!)

Porter with our cousins Holly and Clancy are aimed and ready to shoot anything that moves down the parade line; except the fancy cars and horses we were told. Party poopers.

Then the fire trucks come and show everyone their water guns. Luckily we remembered our umbrella. We sat by some first-timers that asked us why we brought our umbrellas (before they saw the fire trucks), next year they'll know better.

Porter got a dose of his own medicine.

Dripping full of fun!

So here we are in our patriotic duds waiting for the fireworks show Saturday night. Can you believe I made my mother-in-law take our family picture five times and this is the best we could give?! Thanks anyways Arlyce!

Porter doesn't realize yet how totally lucky he is to have boy cousins his same age on every side of his family. Here's Port with our cousin Dawson; quite a pair! London wanted to be with Porter to watch the fireworks...

...but they were so bright and loud she kept covering her eyes. Port is so sweet with his Buttercup.

We hope your Independence Day weekend was full of fun and family and friends, too. Tell us all about it!

Thanks to Whitney and DeVal for sharing their cabin and thanks to Valerie and Haskel for sharing their food!

Can't wait till next year!

Thursday, July 3

Independence Day is one of my most favorite holidays, for many reasons. One is the love I have for my country. This respect didn't fully develop until I was in high school (Go Heroes!) and was taught to value my freedoms and love my liberty. I am proud to be an American; and I am grateful to those that have fought and continue fighting for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Another reason I love July 4th is because we visit Heber, AZ for the weekend. This is our fifth year to visit the small town's big celebration and we look forward to it all year. Olen's brother, Haskel, and his wife, Valerie, have always graciously hosted us on our visits. This year we'll be staying with my aunt in their family cabin and we are really looking forward to it. The weather is perfect, the small-town welcome just can't be beat and the fireworks are amazing. One of these times I'll succeed in convincing my family that this is the place to be for the 4th of July.

We leave tomorrow morning for the weekend, so check back next week for the whole low-down and a few pictures, I'm sure.

Have a wonderful and safe Independence Day!

Tuesday, July 1

Final Curtain Call...

I just wanted to say a few thank-yous (but you won't hurt my feelings if you skip right to the slide show).

THANK-YOU! To Olen for being so AMAZING these past months while I had rehearsals and stress and drama. He's like my favorite bra. He's always supportive and makes me look better than I really am. Well that's the truth and I don't mind sayn' so.

THANK-YOU! To my most wonderful Momasita Bonita for talking me out of quitting. You knew I would have a blast. So once again - you were right.

THANK-YOU! To my Aunt Camille for making my gorgeous costume dress. Did you see it?! 'Nuff said.

THANK-YOU! To my Aunt Colleen for letting me raid her costume supply and for keeping my roots tamed and my locks beautiful.
THANK-YOU! To Chris and Katie for documenting the experience.

THANK-YOU! To Spencer, Olivia and Beth for babysitting for me when Olen had to work and I had to rehearse. My kids wished that happened more often.

THANK-YOU! To everyone who drove from anywhere to come see the show even though I was on stage a total of six times. Thanks for making me feel like it was worth it; I hope it was for you.

Here’s a little slide show of cast members and the public that I adore.

(Mom and Dad and Chelsea – I’m sorry I forgot my camera the night you came! I’m going to show up at your house in costume and take a picture with you. I must have it.)