Thursday, July 31

Ok, my turn...

A tag about me...Molly
i am: woman. Hear me roar. (First thing that came into my head. High five Dad!!)
i think: I’m ready for this nasty hot summer of 2008 to go away and never come back.
i know: how to make the fussiest baby sleep through the night. I’ve done it twice and I could teach you, too. :)
i want: …a room full of laughter…10,000 tons of ice cream…and if I don’t get the things I am after, I’m going to scream.
i have: the best husband in the world and the cutest kids. I know, I know, how boring to just state the obvious, but I simply can't think of anything else to write...
i wish: I could have more patience and I get really cranky when I can’t control everything. Is controling everying too much to ask?
i hate: eating alone. It’s depressing. But I do anyways.
i miss: my sister. Oh, and my flat pre-baby stomach. But it’s ok, because I know that one day I will have both of these back again.
i fear: loosing my kids. In any form. Worst nightmare.
i feel: stressed, mostly. Next, I feel busy, usually. Then, I feel loved, always.
i hear: London. I just realized she’s been tapping my leg holding the Tupperware of cookies. I wonder how long she’s been doing this. What have I become…?
i smell: with my nose.
i crave: Chick-Fil-A and Pete’s Fish and Chips and my mom’s Texas sheet cake and hugs from my kids and my man.
i search: for socks. I hate folding laundry. It’s a curse, as all my sisters will testify.
i wonder: what life will be like this time next year.
i regret: things I say. I always speak before thinking things out all the way.
i love: having sore muscles because of an awesome long run.
i care: about how my kids look. London’s hair gets done before mine.
i always: say my prayers.
i believe: in fairies. I do. I do.
i dance: like a mad woman to Bruce Springsteen. Put it on. Crank it up. And watch me go.
i sing: In my laundry room. The acoustics are rad in there.
i don’t always: Brush my teeth. So sue me.
i fight: with my sewing machine. I swear it hates me.
i write: with my hands. Just kidding. I write in my blog (duh), e-mails, in my journals and letters. I love writing letters.
i lose: my cool when people are mean to my kids. Don’t cross that line.
i win: not often enough. But I do play a mean game of “slug bug”.
i never: go to bed without checking on my kids. It’s an OCD that I’m going to keep.
i listen: to the voices in my head and to my mom. The older I get, the smarter she becomes.
i can usually be found: yeah, on the computer or in the kitchen or with my kids. Well, my kids can usually be found with me, actually.
i am scared: about loosing Olen and/or my kids. These people make up 99% of who I am. I wouldn’t be whole without them.
i need: a genie in a bottle.
i am happy about: the future. I wish it would hurry up. See…this is where that patience thing would come in really handy.


  1. Yay!! You did the tag! And as always I loved it, especially that stylin' picture on the top! I also love thinking of you as a controlling person because I've never thought of you as controlling. You're far too nice. :)

  2. That's a super-fun tag. And fun to learn more about you!

  3. Love the picture! Um I don't know what you were talkin' about the whole tummy thing. You are my workout hero!

  4. I LOVE MOLLY ANNIE! you smell like fresh roses on a summer day! you make me smile and i like your face. i think you are the bees knees and i don't even know what that means!!!!! you are the icing to my chocolate cake and the lemon to my lemon bars!!!!! ooooohh sicky sicky gnars bars cars cars. i heart you.

    ps. can i borrow your fancy shmancy glass drink holder thing for cait's bridal shower?! i can come by and pick it up.

  5. You always make me smile when I read your blogs...Love it! I do feel like we talk everyday even though we don't (literally that is :) Good thing for blogging eh? I'm glad we found a way to stay "in-the-know" since they took you from primary. Catch ya lata blogalicious!
