Tuesday, July 1

Final Curtain Call...

I just wanted to say a few thank-yous (but you won't hurt my feelings if you skip right to the slide show).

THANK-YOU! To Olen for being so AMAZING these past months while I had rehearsals and stress and drama. He's like my favorite bra. He's always supportive and makes me look better than I really am. Well that's the truth and I don't mind sayn' so.

THANK-YOU! To my most wonderful Momasita Bonita for talking me out of quitting. You knew I would have a blast. So once again - you were right.

THANK-YOU! To my Aunt Camille for making my gorgeous costume dress. Did you see it?! 'Nuff said.

THANK-YOU! To my Aunt Colleen for letting me raid her costume supply and for keeping my roots tamed and my locks beautiful.
THANK-YOU! To Chris and Katie for documenting the experience.

THANK-YOU! To Spencer, Olivia and Beth for babysitting for me when Olen had to work and I had to rehearse. My kids wished that happened more often.

THANK-YOU! To everyone who drove from anywhere to come see the show even though I was on stage a total of six times. Thanks for making me feel like it was worth it; I hope it was for you.

Here’s a little slide show of cast members and the public that I adore.

(Mom and Dad and Chelsea – I’m sorry I forgot my camera the night you came! I’m going to show up at your house in costume and take a picture with you. I must have it.)


  1. I heard from everyone that you were AWESOME!!!!!!!! i am super bummed that i got a gimpy knee and couldn't come!

    You will have to act out the entire play by yourself for me.


  2. I am so glad that you stuck it out, sounds like you had a great time. Will you put the dress on and take a picture with me when I come down to visit? So Olens a bra huh, how does he feel about that?

  3. To Katie Nash. Well, he actually doesn't know I made this comparison. I was going to elaborate more and say how he is close to my heart...but I think I made my point.

  4. Holy cow, you get a little tied up with construction and you miss your bff's birthday. That is not forgivable! (But I hope you forgive it anyway) :) It sounds like the perfect birthday to me, good food, good company, and shopping! Sign me up! I also loved the pictures and am so inspired by your being in a play (besides the fact that you look so skinny these days and gorgeous too!), it makes me want to look at ways of getting involved outside of the house too!

  5. It sounds like you had a good time with the play! Sorry we couldn't come we had things going on every night. I'm sure you did great though!
