Sunday, July 20

Diamond Backs and Dark Knights

We went to the Diamond Back's game on Friday night. They played the LA Dodgers. We had great seats courtesy of our good buddy, James. (Thanks again!)
I really love baseball. It's my favorite sport to watch. If I at all understood football I think that might be my favorite sport because jumping up and screaming at the TV just looks so darn fun.
Anyways the fans were super intense. This guy on the left was holding up a "Beat L.A." sign and the guy on the right was holding up a Dodgers banner. I guess the beer was really kicking in by the seventh inning because the fans were getting wild. We left when the game was tied 7 to 7. On the way home we heard the Dodgers won 8 to 7. So glad we didn't stay. L.A. fans are serious about their baseball.

The kid behind me was really cute. He would yell to the D-Backs in English and then in Spanish tell his dad what to say too. But all his dad would yell was "Atta Boy!". It was sweet and made me want to pick up Spanish again.

On the way back to our car we ran into these guys in front of the Hard Rock Cafe. I was majorly creeped out but Olen thought it was the coolest thing and wanted a picture. Ick.

And the answer is YES! go see The Dark Knight. Whoa. That was one good flick. If you saw it, tell me your favorite part. Mine was when the car turns into a motorcylce! Oh man, Christian Bale is one hottie...

So tomorrow is another week of Summer School (it's just two hours a day). Porter officially hates it now and wants his "normal summer days" back. I do math flash cards with him every day and I think he's near officially hating me, too.
Two more weeks till school starts....


  1. I can completely sympathize with Porter, I hated summer school. I felt like Mom was dropping me off at an orphanage.

  2. But it's only two hours and he has like five of his best buddies in the class! Oh well. I think it's the homework he doesn't like the most.

    Hey Darc, what was your favorite part of the movie...?

  3. What a fun night! I want to see the movie so bad but haven't had a chance.

    I hope Porter starts liking school more....he will do fine. We sure are going to miss seeing you every day. Good luck

  4. Molly you look super cute in that picture. Which one is you and which one is Olen! hahahahaha

  5. Katie, did you make a funny?
    I'm the one with the tounge. Duh.

  6. I love your shirt in the picture, I have to say. Also, I loved the Dark Knight as well. My favorite part have been the joker in jail. Well really any joker part because he was so disturbing and darkly funny at the same time. Every time I found myself laughing at him I would catch myself thinking, Ohh, that's just so not funny. lol!

  7. I think I would be pretty disturbed by those guys in their KISS garb.

    Duerk loves baseball, and I like it for about 7 innings (after that my tush falls asleep). I DON'T love fantasy baseball, though. :(

  8. Why do you say that like I am some fuddy duddy!

  9. I love baseball too! I don't get football enough either, and luckily Chad isn't into watching too many sports on TV, so I don't have to suffer :)

    I guess I will have to go see Dark Knight even though I'm not a huge Batman fan....I am a Heath Ledger fan though, and since it was his last movie I want to see it.

    I totally remember having to do flash cards all summer when I was Porter's age so I can sympathize with him :)

  10. Hey Molly, come see our blog!
