Monday, July 28

The count down begins...

Well, what a busy week of nothing.
Do you ever have a week (or any amount of time) that seems to be taking forever to get through, but when you think back it seems like the time just flew? Well, that describes this last week. I don't want it back, but seriously, where did it go?

Porter has started counting down the days. Actually it's a little more obsessive than that because last night in his prayers he said, "...thanks for school starting not this Wednesday, but next Wednesday..."

School starting is sad for me because I give up my little man for six hours a day and happy because I know how much he loves going.

On Saturday I went to a fabulous class with my fabulous sister-in-law, Katie, and made button bracelets at Blissful Living Studios (betcha' thought I was going to say fabulous!). What a blast! This is a place so enchanting and wonderful it's worth paying money to just hang out at. The class was taught by my super-crafty aunt Whitney and the button bracelets are her adopted brain-child. Come see all the fun on her blog or the Blissful Living Studios blog. Blissful Living has classes all the time, just take a look at their calendar. If anyone ever wants to go - call me! (Plus Pete's is just around the corner for lunch...)


  1. I'm not very "Crafty" but that looks like fun! Where's the picture of your finished product girlie? I totally want to see the bracelet you made :)

    I've had a pretty boring past month as you can tell from my blog :( Not being able to do much is soo not FUN!

  2. It was a super fabulous! I wish we were able to do lunch though!

  3. Katie, Next time fo sho!

  4. Yeah for Porter starting school soon!! He is such a caracter;) I am glad he still has the Bat Man times!!

    I don't cry when my kids go to school anymore..only kindergarden! Now I gladly send them on their way!! haha

  5. I'm so happy to see a new post, although I know exactly what you mean about some weeks just taking forever! I wish I lived closer because I don't know what Pete's is, but I have a feeling I wish I did! :) (oh and I pretty much went with yellow not because it won but because you liked it. I trust your artistic eye! It turned out great!)

  6. Those are darling bracelets! What a cute idea (and the other odds and ends on her blog are adorable, too!).

    I'm a bit bummed everyone's going to Ben Franklin this year....not gonna lie. :( How cute Port's little prayer, though! :)

  7. I totally want to come to some of those classes with you! And.....You may want to sit down for this.... I have never eaten at Pete's fish and Chips! Dun Dun Dun!
