Friday, July 17

Play time.

I've been painting our new house this week. Except for Wednesday which was filled with more real estate continuing education classes that make me want to shoot myself go out and be a freak awesome Realtor. Yay! And well, since I've been preoccupied I have nothing to document for the week. Well, at least not yet. Just wait to see what I can do with a can of paint and an empty room. I have been a busy girl.

Until that post(s) comes to full fruition, how about a diversion?

My clever sister-in-law once wrote this post idea on her blog, and as I've been trying to catch up with you all and leaving notes, I thought it would be fun to bring the idea back. It's a very awesome idea, so blog love to Katie.

Here's how the game goes: You know those annoying letter sequences you have to type in so that Blogger knows you're a real person and not C-3PO leaving random comments on people's blogs? Well, take that sequence and either 1) create a definition for the word or 2) use the sequence in a sentence. Anything goes, you can't loose. Just give it a shot because no matter what it'll all be fab and make me laugh. Stop by again because I'll be playing all weekend.


  1. So first I look at what my letter sequence is. It's 'mangsle'.

    MANGSLE (man-gsull) silent "g" (Hey it's my word...)

    Popular youth dance originating in the UK.

    "Look at Bobby doing the Mangsle. He's good." stated Susie.

  2. Uno mas...

    My word: staidis (sty-dees)

    Expression of excitement.

    "Holy staidis that's a rad word!"

  3. My word is dineo--hey isn't that Fred Flinstone's pet?

    Oh wait that isn't the right way to spell it or pronounce it for that matter...ummm let's see..

    dineo-a simple dinner with round circular tables.

    wow, that was dumb. Sorry my mind is blanking on anything good for this one :)

    Fun game though

  4. Emmy, love it! I'm picturing a cafe of oversized Cheerios tables.

  5. Hey! Thanks for the credit! Molly,my first thought on staidis would be an STD. HA!

    Anyway, my word is COMPTN. Sounds hickish...

    Comptn (comp-tn) Hick slang for a violent spanking.
    "Emma Jean! Ya'll git over here before I comptn yooouuuu!

    I don't know...

  6. ohhhh... the next one here is OSTROTWE. That's a tuff one! And this is a strangley addicting game.

  7. My word is: fecta
    Italian for affect.
    "Sophia, If you drinka too mucha wine, it'sa gonna fecta you."

  8. Sponf (spawn-f): A genre of dance in which a person spins in place while clapping.

    "I did the sponf until I got dizzy and threw up all over the dance floor."

  9. Katie, yes it is...

    Word: fumpirie (fump-eerie)

    Make your own definition - here's how it would be use it in a sentence, though.

    "Not tonight honey. I'm feeling a little fumpirie."

  10. This is hilarious. I just might have to do this on my blog too, because I just had a true laugh out loud moment, especially at fecta and comptn!
    Okay, my word is ditteri. Hmm. How about a euphemistic term for your bum.

    "I slipped and fell on my ditteri."

    It has an italian feel to it. I just might start saying that.

  11. LUSHER: a little usher

    My brother Joey walked with his head held high as he greeted each lady; he was a great lusher for such an elegant wedding.

  12. I always thought some of the words made up by word verification were funny, never thought to comment on it thought...

    My word is "twableti".

    The only thing I can think of is the Archdean from Princess Bride.

    Twableti (twa-ble-tee)

    Old Florinian slang

    Originally pronounced: "tra-ble-tee"

    Once used as an expression of 3 times as much danger as normal, it became a humorous word after the marriage ceremony of Prince Humperdinck and the Beautiful Buttercup when the word was mistakenly mispronounced by the wildly unpopular Count Rugen.

  13. FACITE (faci-tee): a very interesting tshirt.

    "What a facite you have on today!".

    (this reminds me of the dictionary game- poor man's Balderdash - love it!!)

  14. Inglity: (in-glit-ee) 1. to be over in an extreme state of happiness

    "oh my gosh i am so inglity that i made the school play!"

  15. Congese - Italian for "with geese."

    I bet it sounds really cool in Italian!

  16. Synicat

    A sinner or scandalous person

    Did you hear that my synicat neighbor traps stray cats and they're never seen again.

    I'd go into more detail, but some of your readers may like cats more than I do :)

    Fun game :)

  17. LOVE IT! I'll have to pull this game out more often...
