Wednesday, July 29

Good Word Wednesday

Remember when I told you about how we unpacked and I got to decorate my new house and the kids loved their new rooms and how great our new neighbors are? You don’t? Oh yeah, that’s because those things haven’t happened yet. Yet.

See, the family that bought our house back in Little-Big Town wanted a quick close and we were happily able to oblige. However, we weren’t due to move into our (former) new house for a couple weeks still. No big deal, because Olen’s parents very graciously offered to share their spare bedrooms until our move-in date. Except that house fell though. Well, then we started the house hunting again and had a house fall through again. All the while our two-week stay turned into a month, then two months and verging on three months when at last the house we were meant to have all along showed up. Seriously divine timing, folks.

But today’s story isn’t about the new house, that's still a work in progress, today’s story is about my father and mother-in-law. They will serve as the Be Humble on my “Be” gathering saga: Be True, Be Grateful, Be Involved, Be Still, Be Smart.


Living with your in-laws can be a super pain from what I hear from friends and siblings who have experienced the pleasure. Unless your in-laws are amazing like mine, of course. My children have been thoroughly spoiled by the attention from their grandparents these past two and a half months. All it takes for London to have a story read to her is to be sitting down with a book, and Porter has earned a jar full of quarters from the jobs he’s accomplished with his grandpa. My in-laws house is the hub of entertainment and we could have family stopping by at any given moment - instant play date with the cousins. I’ve enjoyed learning useful home keeping methods and sharing my cooking style on the family meals, and Olen sure hasn’t complained about catching up on fishing and hunting shows with his dad. Plus the on-hand babysitter when a quick trip to the grocery comes up is a huge plus.

I’ve chosen my father and mother-in-law as the Be Humble in my life because even though there isn’t a lot (only materially speaking); they have shared everything they’ve got with us. These past couple weeks as I’ve been painting and sprucing up the new place my kids have loved opening boxes and rediscovering their toys that have been stashed away in storage. When Porter first came to the house once our furniture had been delivered he said, “I forgot we had our own stuff!” Actually, I was beginning to forget too. But after the day of excitement wears down, both kids will ask to “…please go back home to grandma’s house now”. Then we do, and dinner is waiting on the stove. Sure, I’m really looking forward to my own house again, but it has been a good summer at the in-laws and I’m thankful for it.


  1. Glad everything is finally working out with your house. Isn't family wonderful... don't know what I would do without mine.

  2. I've been wondering what was up (cause I'm nosy like that)! I'm glad you finally found your house! Good thing your in-laws are so awesome because living out of boxes sure can wear on your soul (I should know, we still can't unpack until the floors are replaced next week). Can't wait to see the colors you picked for painting your house and then copy you immediately. :)

  3. Jenn, be warned, I went with the most mild colors to date. It is your house that I am anticipating!
