Monday, July 13

Whattaya make of this...

Last night I dreamed that Martha Stewart wanted to meet me. First, you should know that I am not a Martha-maniac. I just want to be her best friend and have her believe that her magazines, blogs, TV shows, radio broadcasts, cookbooks and all other merchandise couldn't go on unless I was there by her side giving her the thumbs up. That's all. So, I had this dream last night that she wanted to meet me. I was like, "Well I'm kind of busy, but, maybe this weekend."

So I fly to her house in Connecticut where we sit on her front porch. She says, "I have a job for you." I say, "I'll take it." She says, "There's one condition, you've got to give me your baby." I said, "Um, what's the job?" She tells me it's her personal advisor. Score! But the baby thing I'm not sold on, so I said I would work until I had my baby and then I would make up my mind. She agreed. The next thing I know, I'm having my baby. Except it wasn't a baby. It was a little pug puppy. The kind with dark eyes almost too large for it's head and a little squished face. It was furry and soft and warm. I snuggled my little pug puppy and told Martha to take her job and shove it. Then I left for home.

Now, if you're thinking that's a pretty freak dream, then we're on the same page. I've been awake since five o'clock, and I can't stop thinking about it. It was one of those dreams that was so real I woke up not really knowing where I was and I had to look down to see if I was still pregnant. I believe that dreams really do hold messages or meanings into minds, hearts and future, don't you? But in real life I would never take a job that would cause me to leave my family; much less voluntarily give a member of my family away, obviously no matter what species it happen to be. And I can't imagine myself ever telling Martha Stewart to "shove it". I don't even talk like that. Bizarre!

So, as I've been lying here on your straight, uncomfortable couch and you've been sitting across from me taking notes, what do you make from all that? Just another crazy pregnant dream again, or what? I'm looking for my sanity. Have you seen it lately?


  1. Ha ha, that's hilarious. When I was preggo w/ Karlie, I dreamed she was born and she was a turtle....

  2. I think it means that you're secretly afraid/hoping your baby will look like a pug.

  3. Definitely just a crazy pregnant dream. But hey, in the end even if you baby was a dog, you still would choose your baby more than anything else. :)

  4. I wish I had crazy preggo dreams!
    Maybe it means that you should get a pug since your other dogs decided to take a walk and never come back. Official opinion.

  5. Hilarious! As for the meaning? No clue! Unless Martha is really a leprechaun who steals babies.
