Wednesday, December 16

Good Word Wednesday: Loco-motive

Would some one please tell me when December turned into such a runaway train? I feel like a contestant on The Biggest Loser running on the treadmill trying not to slip on my own sweat while Jillian yells in my ear to push harder and keep running, which is what I plan on doing because I know if I try to stop I'll just get some major treadmill burn down my cheeks (tops and bottoms) and then I will just look like a big loser, not the biggest loser. Whoa, did I get off track. See, what I mean? Runaway train over here. Watch out.

Really it's just that December has become a monster of a crazy month. Like a big soft green and red monster with fluffy fur that you love. We want to catch up with our friends and we want to go to every family party and still make time for all our own family traditions. So far we've been reading from our "25 Days of Christmas" book, and we've had meatloaf and watched "The Christmas Story" (next week we'll do spaghetti and watch "Elf", then it's homemade cider and "It's A Wonderful Life"), we've sat on Santa's lap and decorated the tree, we're burning candles that smell like gingerbread and holly wreaths and Nat King Cole has been singing about chestnuts roasting on open fires since Halloween. So we're ready, bring on the Christmas. I tell ya, it's my favorite ride but I am remembering why I only like it to happen once a year. I'm about ready to get off this train and walk for awhile.
What makes being this busy so worth it? I pause on what we are really celebrating. Celebrate the birth of a perfect baby in a humble stable under a starry night with nothing but parents that loved Him and a hopeful future. Celebrate Jesus Christ. It is so worth it.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas now.


  1. Great post. My parents are coming int town so are trying to plan what we are doing while we are here. My husband vetoed a trip to Sea World on Christmas Eve as he just wants to enjoy the day and enjoy the peace of the season and our holiday traditions.. and you know he is exactly right.

  2. Is that London? When did she get so big? I guess December really has gone by fast.

    Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!

  3. I think that if you really celebrate the real reason for Christmas time the train ride will seem to be more pleasant and enjoyable, at least that is what my goal is this season. Simple gift and Santa almost non-existent (he gets to much credit) helps me to always remember the birth of Christ.

  4. This year hardly seems like Christmas to me! And it's a little bit of a let down.

    Probably cause this is the first year i don't live at home where all the hussle and bussle is going on.
    Not to mention buying a house takes up 99.9% of my brain!

  5. ps... did Elle get her hair cut!?

  6. Molly remember you just had your sweet baby not too long ago. And I remember when my son was born just dragging my feet to get it together.

    We do our best to emphasize the meaning of Christmas. On Christmas Eve our tradition is: Read How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Twas the Night Before Christmas, and lastly from Luke.

    Must see holiday movies: It's A Wonderful Life, Scrooge(1951 version with Alastair Sim) and A Christmas Story.

  7. I love London's hair, did you cut it? And I love how you have certain foods to go with certain movies, especially spaghetti with Elf. Awesome!

  8. i could not feel this post more on any other day.
    seriously... i just found myself lying in bed and whining to Jeff all the things i have yet to accomplish before heading home for Christmas... and i asked myself, "how did this happen?"... i guess i just get in the mode of giving and cant seem to stop. there are so many people to love... so many gifts to give... so many cards to send...
    and then i stopped and asked myself if i was becoming too busy to reflect on the savior. and just now as i typed that sentence and as i read about all your fun family traditions- i realized that i am leaving all the REAL good stuff out of the holiday... enjoying my family. enjoying the Savior's love.
    and i guess i got too busy to get that into my head.

    thanks for your lovely post, molls.

  9. hey Molly, we miss you guys! I check your blog all the time and keep up on your darling family!! Can you email me your address and phone number? Thanks, Stephanie
