Thursday, May 6

Five and Six Months

When Porter was five months-old I took him to get his picture taken as a Mother's Day gift for his grandmas. When London was five months-old I thought it would be fun to have her picture taken to match the 10x13 picture of her big brother. Of course I can't stop this tradition now! So on Daisy's five month-old birthday we went back down to the studio for her picture.

I love to see my kids at this stage and how they are all similar, but very different. Even at five months I can see each of their personalities in these pictures.

At five months old, Daisy likes to be on her tummy because she can see what is going on around her better.
She laughs when tickled and cries when a loud noise scares her.
She knows that when I swaddle her in her blanket and give her a paci that it's time for sleep and will bury her head to the side.
She reaches for things, but hasn’t quite figured out how to work her hands yet to grab.
She rolls over from back to tummy but not tummy to back, and still only from the right.
She growls at you when she wants to play and it is irresistible.
She cries if Olen leaves the room without taking her with him.

At six months old, Daisy blows bubbles and spits to entertain herself.
She tastes baby food for the first time (apples and carrots) and likes it.
She rolls over from tummy to back and back to tummy.
She uses her legs to push herself up when she is laying on her back. I don't let her do this much because I don't want her to rub off her hair in the back.
She will reach and grab anything within arm's length and try to eat it. Her favorite is paper and ear rings.
She reaches up and kicks her legs wildly when I say, "Come here" and pick her up.
She weighs 17.8 pounds.


  1. She is such a sweetie!! I love seeing her little smile. I am SUPER excited you are bringing her with you to visit!!! Especially to get pictures with her baby cousin. (fyi make sure you bring her birth certificate to the airport with you). I love your overalls tradition and totally wish I could copy you but it's too late now! =)

  2. I love seeing all of your babies at the same age in overalls! Such a cute idea. I took pictures of Maddy in fairy wings when she was little, I guess I could do that with the rest (even the boys) Ha! :)

  3. She is so stinking cute! She looks like she is going to explode with excitement in those pictures!

  4. You are such a good Mom, keeping up with the traditions!:) What a cute idea! Your kids are adorable!

  5. I wish I was more like my big sis, you are so good at keeping up with your little traditions.

  6. Look at that double chin! She is so cute i just want to squish her!
