Tuesday, May 18

No Wii for me.

Porter disappeared for a while on Sunday afternoon then came to the family room to announce that his marble circus was officially open.
Here's what was under the "big top".

Porter spent his own money to buy a roll of duct tape a few weeks ago and has been finding all sorts of new uses for it. He spent hours making this marble shoot using one piece of duct tape at a time.
See? Here's how it works:

The marble is positioned at the top like so.

Then with a little push it travels down the middle of the shoot to the slide.

Then around the corner. Notice how he built up the sides so the marble wouldn't fall? Genius.

Porter and London have been making this bigger and better and holding marble races that reward the winner with a toy of their choice.

I know right now Porter doesn't understand why Olen and I will never own video games in our house, but I think someday he'll thank us.


  1. Wow, what a smarty pants. He will not only thank you, but you two will pat yourselves on the back as well. Because of the lack of video games, he has to do things like (gasp!) read books, play outside, and create Marble Worlds. As a direct result of using this mysterious thing called "imagination," he will excel at school and become and incredibly wealthy engineer. Which will only result in a fancy-schmancy seniors resort vacation home for you and Olen, paid for by your ridiculously wealthy and successful son. No, he won't miss video games at all. It will only benefit him! I shall now get off this box before I get any more soap on my feet.

  2. Genius. My thoughts exactly. We do not and will not own any video games, we do not let the kids play on the computer. We play outside for hours during the day, we make up games and play well known games. The imagination is not to be squandered on sitting in front of a screen playing in a virtual world. The real world is so much more fun.

    Yay Porter! Brilliant.

  3. I think you are SO SMART not to get a wii or any video game. I always hated in High school when we would be hanging out and all the boys will gather around the video games and then I would just want to go home. It just does something to the brain in boys. I'm glad Chris wasn't raised on video games either cause whenever he does play it's a couple days at the most.
    I love Port's imagination, you can do anything with duct tape!


    This week has been a no t.v. week here and I have loved it! It's so fun to see what kinds of things
    little brains come up with to entertain them self, for example a marble circus!

    K.A.T.I. E RADIO! that's all I gotta say!

  5. whoa thats pretty awesome!

    Don't forget about Kathy the Cheetah and Circus out on the swing set, and cooking shows.

    Oh and also, Village..... "please ma'am, can i live with you?"
