Tuesday, August 24

All About Porter in Six Sentences

We're in the third week of third grade for Porter and he still likes it.

He reports that his teacher is nice, even though she's 50 years old, he was made the Teacher's Assistant (it's "basically the teacher's right-hand man" I am told) for the whole first week of school, and his new school shoes seem to be making him run faster than last year's school shoes because he's even better at kickball.
"All About Me

I would like to tell you some things about me. My birthday is in Dec. 19th. My favorite food is pastae. I like to build cool stuff. I am really good at reading. When I get older I want to build a rocketship. There are 5 people in my family."

1 comment:

  1. He wants to build a rocketship?! That's awesome, who knew!? That's what I love about franklin it teaches them to have such nice handwriting!
