Wednesday, August 25

A Rainy Day in Arizona

As I was setting the table for dinner yesterday a loud crack! came from outside.

Porter and London ran to the windows to see if it was thunder or just the neighbors. The sky was orange and the wind was whipping the lemon trees left and right. More thunder clapped and the sky opened fire like water bullets out of a Tommy gun.

It's pretty much impossible to stay inside where it's dry and boring when outside there is sideways rain and puddles calling your name. We made them eat their dinner first and opened all the windows to watch the lightning show. You never know how long a good rain like that is going to last here in the desert so after shoveling in a few bites we released them outside to feel the rain on their faces and the wind as it rushes by.
Yes, they asked for umbrellas and then held them as they jumped in the puddles.
That's one of the secret ingredients of childhood that we forget when we become adults.
 We were given children to remind us again.


  1. Awwww... rain. Pure joy. The thought of it feels me with happiness. I've often wondered if I lived in Seattle or something if I would still love the rain? What was funny was getting on FB and seeing tons of status talking about the amazing rainstorm. Chris was like, "I guess it's raining in Mesa." Cute pictures! I feel too lucky with all your blog posts this week!

  2. My heart felt lighter just seeing those pictures of those adorable kids of yours jumping in puddles. I love rainy days and you are right, we have kids to remind us to appreciate the little beautiful things.

  3. I love that picture of London jumping in the puddle with her umbrella! I remember playing in the gutters when it would rain! Cant wait to play in the rain with my kids too!

  4. haha Daisy's face is the best. I guess she didn't care too much for the rain on her face! Our thunderstorms are pretty intense here but nothing compares to the warm rain on hot asphalt back home!

  5. The rain totally missed our house! We went outside in hope to play in it but we got the shaft! looks like it was a good time.

  6. And Daisy's face completely sums up the situation. Unless, by chance, they are trying to impersonate the great Gene Kelly in "Singin' In The Rain." If that is indeed the case, then I approve. And I am sure Daisy does, too. Even if just on the inside.
