Tuesday, August 31

Such a Smashing Night!

In a land far, far away I have been blessed with "Fairy Date-Parents" who genuinely care about the frequency (or lack of, rather) date nights in our kingdom.

Using their magic postal service I was bibbidy-bobbidy-booed a fully loaded gift card to this place:

I sent a royal decree to my Prince and informed him of his pending date with his Princess.
The royal babysitters were employed and the carriage was called for.

(I even had my hair done for the occasion. Well not really just for this, but I had it done the day before. You're wondering what's different? In real life you can see it better; it's not black anymore, it's dark brown. Getting five years of black out is not easy, so my super stylist, Jessica, is taking it in stages. This is the dark brown stage. Two more stages and I'll be where I want it, back to my natural brown or something close to it. Likey my hair clip? Me too! .

Pretty hopping place on a Friday night.
We wait as our burgers and sweet potato fries are prepared.

Olen couldn't take a clear picture of me to save his life. I'll spare you the other blurry 127.

He was like, "Hold still!" so then I would and he got pictures of me like this:

These burgers are worth the wait, so to pass the time Olen played photographer. Yes, people were staring. More fuzzy photos of me...

"Put it away! People will think we don't get out much..."

Olen's first Smash experience. He's speechless with emotion.

"Can you please eat slower so I can take your picture?"
Physically impossible, people. I was starving and the fried dill pickles were capital A-mazing.

"There. I'm waiting... Did you get it? My root beer float really needs me."

My "Fairy Date Parents" are humble and I know praise is not what they seek, but I want them to know how much their kindness has blessed my life and filled my belly.
Thank you so much for being the one who returned.


  1. Oh Date how I miss you so! That is so awesome that you two go. I think really is a great way to keep the spice alive. oh and I think your hot no matter what color your hair is!

  2. I can't wait to see the next phase of color. I can see a very small difference but only because I know about it.

    I'm so glad there is a smash burger in Tempe cause I love it. In fact I'm craving it right now. So if I can't have carne asada fries then I want a smash burger.

    I think that fairy didn't give you enough.

  3. I have never heard of Smashburger, but now I will have to keep an eye out, unless it is just an Arizona thing. Date nights are the awesomest, and I love that you two took pictures of each other during it.
