Friday, August 13

Bethany's Baby Shower

We have all been asking Bethany to please wait till her baby shower and then she can have the baby anytime she wants.
Bethany made it to her baby shower last night and then once all the gifts were loaded and the last cupcake given away, she went into labor. She and Chase are, as I type, at the hospital awaiting the arrival of their little baby boy.

London was a sparkling mess by the end of the night thanks to Auntie Darcy showing her how the glitter from the frosting could be used on one's cheeks and eyes.

With the excitement of school starting for Porter, my brown-eyed girl was needing something special of her own so she came to play at the "big girl party" with mommy.
Oh, and eat cupcakes. Mostly just to eat cupcakes.

She was cracking up just seconds before this picture with Darcy, but, in true London fashion, once the camera came out this is what I get.
Blanket made by our littlest sisters.

Per tradition, a diaper bag made by Mamasita.

Sugar high kicking in.

That's Braylon, Jessica's baby, that Meagan and Courtney are playing with.


  1. I have been waiting HOURS for this since you text me and told me you were working on it! I can't believe she went into labor as soon as it was over, that was always a fantasy of mine. And I loved seeing the safari animals I made on everything. It made me feel apart of the whole shin-dig.

    ps: The crib looks AWESOME!

  2. Thank you, thank you thank you thank you for taking so many pictures!!!! I felt like I was there! and thanks for video-ing her open my gift! Now I don't feel so sad for not being able to be there!

    What a great party! It makes me super excited ad I can't wait until its my turn! in only TWO months!!! Wahoo! can't wait till my next visit home!!

  3. oh and the pic of katie hugging darcy's bum made me laugh out loud.

    i love my sisters (this includes, you katie a!)

  4. It was a great turn out of friends and fam! I'm glad that Katie and Chels were able to help put it together even though they live away.

    Molly I have a couple extra invitations do you want one?

  5. I love that she went into labor right after the baby shower. That is one obedient sister (and nephew!) Looks like a night full of fun and family and food, my three favorite f's, and I have to complain for a second here. Why do all of the girls in your family have the MOST amazing hair, including you mrs. molly? I am in hair envy. Please help me, my hair needs a richards makeover.

  6. I want to be part of the family! I only really know the 4 oldest and of course Katie, but none of my siblings are EVER gonna start having kids and I want to be apart of stuff like this!!!
