Wednesday, August 11

Back to School

I remember summers lasting a lot longer as a kid.
Is it really over already?
This morning Porter left for school to start the third grade.

When we went to view the new classroom and meet his new teacher Porter walked up and down each row of desks reading the names of the students. He found only one name that wasn't in his second-grade class last year.

He said,  "School this year will just be like moving to the next level of a game. Except with a new teacher. And that it's not really a game".

I couldn't keep Porter inside once he was dressed and wearing his backpack. He wanted to wait on the curb for Mamasita and Aubrey so I waited, in my pink pajamas and just out of sight from the neighbors, to get my mandatory mommy hug just before he hopped in the van and left to join the other players in this game, also known as life.


  1. Porter is one of the cutest kids I've ever met. I love these pictures of him. He is so matter-of-fact and looks ready to conquer the world, but is very non-chalant about the whole process. I know he is a little smarty pants, too, and that's great. What a wonderful little man! I hope his first day back goes well, and that he beats this level.

  2. He is such a little man already. I love his game analogy. Basically it's easy to see he's a awesome.

  3. I'm glad he figured out that life is a game this early in life. I think I was in college when I figured that out. And how awesome it's basically the same class of kids. Nice.

    ps: You don't go to walmart in your pink pajamas?

  4. If you did go to Walmart in your PJ's you wouldn't be out of dress code.

    Thats good that Porter has a lot of his old classmates in his class, hopefully it will be that same for next because this is the last year that he will be in school will Aubrey.
