Sunday, June 21

Olen and I play a little game at church.
It's called "Spot that Bolo Tie".
What?! Don't know what a bolo tie is? Well, it's only the official tie of Arizona. Yeah, that's right, we have an official tie.
But I don't understand, why did it have to be this one?

Today I thought I had won with three (and that was just from our side of the chapel), but Olen beat me out by spotting four.

Awh, well. There's always next week.


  1. Too funny! We have one guy in our ward that always wears them. You know when we lived in AZ I don't know if I ever saw anyone wear one to church... maybe our ward was too young and not cowboy enough :)

  2. Yes, it's definitely a age/demographic fashion statement.

  3. Oh I definitely know what they are. My great grandpa was the KING of bolo ties! And if I was really cool I would look for and scan a photo of a bolo tie I made in the MTC for an elder in my district (we chose names and exchanged gifts for Canadian Thanksgiving in honor of the lone canadian in our district). It was pure awesomeness. It was in the shape of texas with the colors of the texas flag, and rope was the bolo string. (The elder was from texas and had a thing for weird ties). was pure awesomeness, I told ya!
