Friday, June 27

THEY SAY IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! (duh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh)

Thank-you! For the texts, phone calls, cards, blog post (Katie) and gifts yesterday. I have the best family and friends in the whole world.
Yeah so, yesterday was my big B-Day. It was a fabulous day. Since I had a dress rehearsal in the evening Olen took me out for lunch and then shopping! Two of my favorite things - eating and buying new stuff for me! We went to the Cheesecake Factory (yumm-o!) for lunch. We should have looked at the picture the waitress took of us before leaving such a big grateful tip. Oh well. You get the idea.
Porter wrote me little notes to copy the love notes Olen left around the house for me to read through out the day. And at rehearsal Olen texted our good buddy, Brent, and asked him to have the cast sing to me. I was lifted up on their shoulders and sang to by like a hundred people. I know, right? Awesome. Yeah, you never get too old to love that.

So thanks again, for making me feel so special on my humble day of birth.

P.S. It's Opening Night!!!


  1. HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!

    Have a great time in the play, I am sure it will be AwEsOmE:-}

  2. BREAK A LEG MARABOOTS, TOWNS PERSON #7!!! Glad to hear you had a great birthday without any surprises! haha
    I wish I could be there. Then when it was your turn to come out and bow, I would stand up and give you a big shout!

  3. seriously, why can't people at food establishments take pictures? Petes, Cheesecake Factory. Hhhmmmm? Anyway! Happy Birthday again and BREAK A FREAKIN' LEG!

  4. I've been trying to call you, but maybe this is the only way to communicate with you these days! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  5. Happy Belated Birthday! I'm glad you had such a great day. Cheesecake Factory is the best, with exception to the We will be watching the show on Monday! Good luck.

  6. Happy Birthday hottie...a little late! Glad you had such a wonderful day :) I'm hoping to come see the play on Monday if Chad can get the night off. Sounds like Olen did good!

  7. I hope all went well with the production. I am sure you were fabulous! Oh ya, happy birthday!
