Sunday, August 3


Yeah, running is my workout of choice and a passionate hobby; but I'm such a wanna-be. Crank up the heat to over 100 degrees and I found out I'm a total baby.
I haven't been running regularly since June and the five to eight extra pounds that has landed on my body is proof of it. It's waaay too hot to go during the day and I'm not a morning person so that 5 am run just ain't happening.
BUT never fear, I have found my mojo! (Yeah, I know you were so worried.)
The Higley High Knight 5K Run!

Last year I talked most of my adult siblings and a cousin into running this fun race and we had a total blast. So calling all runners and runner-wanna-be's: August 29th at Higley High 5K (3.1 miles). The cost is $15 bucks to run and you get a freak-awesome t-shirt you can wear and brag about.
Here's a look at last year's race to celebrate the good times of yore:

Katie, Melinda, Chelsea and my mom and dad are hard-core supporters and put up a mean run.
Chris and his wife Katie came to document the occasion and provide us all with a photo finish. I documented Chris.

Here's my dad, mom and Katie at the starting line.
My dad is my running inspiration and hero. That's him with the number one. How right he is.

Here we all are after the race. See our runner's glow?
Glow, baby, glow.

Well, I've got my number. If anyone is interested in a little motivation (like I am) to get up and out in the heat and have fun doing it go HERE to sign up and start your engines.
You won't regret it and what do you have to loose?! (For me, five to eight pounds I hope, I hope...)


  1. I would really like to do this with you!BUT I am almost positive I couldn't run the whole way. I am in pretty good shape, but my lungs are party poopers!

  2. You’re an inspiration to me Pal! I wish I could do the run with you this year, last year was a blast!
    September, the run is a really easy one, I am not a good runner either so I would trade off with a little walking and still finished with a not so bad time.

  3. Well Katie, then Maybe I will have to give it a try! I'm sure I can get my younger bro to do it with me.

  4. September, heck yeah you're in good shape, girl! You look great. But I know what you mean about needing those lungs. I love races not because I think I could ever win one (last year's winner came in under 15 minutes!!) but becuase it's fun to be around others who love the sport.

    Katie, as your "coach" last year, I couldn't have been prouder! I dedicate my run this year to you. I will not let you down.

  5. Oh thanks Mol! Your post this morning was so inspirational that I ran (on my tredmil) right after I read it. Thanks for being my far away "coach"!

  6. You got a treadmill Katie?! That's so awesome! I'll be there cheering you on Molly! If you ever decided to do a swim-a-thon I would totally do that but one thing I HATE is being hot and sweaty and no one wants to be around me then, why don't they do it in December? Gosh!

  7. Good for you girl!! That is awesome your family got out there too!!

    It is so hard to get out in this heat! Me and Tim still go out almost every night and try to endure the HOT WEATHER! I can't wait for winter I love wearing a big comfy sweatshirt..sheese stop dreamimg Leanna!

  8. It was fun talking to you Sunday too. I would love to run with you....if I figure out a time to fit it in again, I will let you know.

    Girls night sounds great....lets do it!

  9. i hate asthma. the end,
