Monday, November 9

Me? Why, Thank you!

Queen of pink things and Harley Davidsons, Bobbi Jo, has honored me with this award:

Thanks Bobbi Jo, I love it!
As part of my acceptance I need to answer these questions with one word. (Or pretty close to it.)
1. Where is your cell phone? Desk 2. Your hair? Up 3. Your mother? Constant 4. Your father? Authentic 5. Your favorite food? Grilled 6. Your dream last night? Game show 7. Your favorite drink? Grape juice 8. Your dream/goal? Pre-preggie jeans 9. What room are you in? Office nook 10. Your hobby? Creating 11. Your fear? Coulrophobia 12. Where do you want to be in six years? Done 13. Where were you last night? In-laws 14. Something you aren’t? Bored 15. Muffins? Off-limits 16. Wish list item? That new camera 17. Where did you grow up? Arizona 18. Last thing you did? Dishes 19. What are you wearing? Dress 20. TV? Thursday nights from 8 to 9 21. Your pets? Fish 22. Your friends? Golden 23. Your life? Blessed 24. Your mood? Positive 25. Missing someone? Bud 26. Vehicle? Hot2Molly Mobile 27. Something you’re not wearing? Shoes 28. Your favorite store? Kohls (Ad Set: How you do’n?! ) 29. Your favorite color? Yellow 30. When was the last time you laughed? Today 31. When was the last time you cried? The day before Daisy was born 32. Your best friend? Olen 33. One place that you go over and over? Mom’s 34. One person who e-mails me regularly? Katie A. 35. Favorite place to eat? My table


  1. SWEET THANKS! Now my goal is to finish up my school assignment so I can do this.

  2. Thank you for the recognition!! I feel like a dork, but I got all giddy when you told me you had something for me. Thanks for following me.

  3. Great list. I especially like the pre-preggie jeans. Yeah, that's a good one. I have clothes in my closet that sure miss me.

  4. Congrats on the award! And number 16 is more than one word ;)

  5. I would like to thank the Academy and my best friend for always believing in me. And mostly because the girl I look to for style just said that I have style. I think I just did a little jig.

  6. Aw! Sa-Weet!(bowing a few times) You totally deserve your award; I love stopping by and seeing what fun things are happening with you guys. You always have something to say that makes me smile. (and a secret: I check your blog before I check the family ones....)

  7. Thank you! I loved the pre-preggie jeans idea too. I hope it happens quickly for you!
