Friday, March 5

Grocery Store Rant

I just started unloading my full shopping cart at the grocery store when the person behind me sets his armful of purchases on the conveyer belt. At first I was thinking, “Okay. Maybe he didn’t notice I still have a full cart of groceries to put up here.” But I was getting really steamed having to put one item at a time on the belt as his items (light bulbs, shoe polish, frozen pizza and 24-pack Pepsi) rolled closer to the cashier. I finally had to ask him to hold his things back while I finished unloading my cart. I tried to ask nicely, but not really.

Another time I was at the other end of my cart loading my bagged groceries while the cashier finished scanning the last of my items and totaled my bill. The line behind me had grown and the person next in line had already loaded the conveyer belt with their stuff and was leaning on the debit card swipper-thing with debit card in hand. I was in such a hurry that day and had no time for patience. I said, “I haven’t paid yet. Are you offering?” He looked shocked (Duh?!) and backed up. I ran my card and wished the cashier a great day.
And in closing; I don’t like these Walmart’s labels.
Aren't people interesting?
Do you have your own grocery store rant?
Go ahead, let it out.


  1. I TOTALLY have had this happen to me. I hate close standers, especially when they're leaning in where you're paying, uhg! Love your response, hilarious!

  2. Okay, #1 I hate the lobster tanks. We always have to stop to ogle the creepy things and my kids never want to leave so I find myself trying to get them to look the other way as we sneak by them. Plus, I have never seen anyone buy one. Ever.
    #2 I like using the self check out line but whenever the stupid things freezes up there is never a person there to punch the little button and make it un-freeze.
    #3 When I say ‘fill the bags up as much as you can’ I really mean it. Really.

  3. People like this drive me crazy!! I am a big coupon user (no secret to that) and at times I do have 30 or more coupons.... I hate when people get in line behind me and moan and groan because they are in such a big hurry... if they are in a hurry 1. don't go to the grocery store and 2. use the self checkout. Don't get in line behind the woman with a cart or more full of groceries! Ok wow - I feel better now.

  4. groceries stores in general make my blood pressure rise. there are always the people that are right on your cart's tail, breathing down your neck. good for you for saying something to those people. sometimes I"m so shocked I don't know what to say! (oh my personal favorite though is when i was eight months pregnant and a lady saw me heading for a check out and she RAN to get in front of me. That still makes me mad. I should have punched her and made headlines. She deserved it.)

  5. I'm not a fan of grocery store check-outs either, or Walmart's new labels. Instead of looking new and improved they look like they are from the 80's.

  6. So the other day I ran by the store, to grab a few quick things. I went to check out and some older guy ask the cashier to go first, because he just needed one item and she let him. I was furious because I had two crazy kids with me and only had 6 items. Plus I needed to pick my daughter up from preschool and I ended up being like one minute late (no big deal, but still). Darn guy and darn cashier, I was there first. It's not like I had a cart full of stuff. Anyways that felt good =)!

  7. I have serious issues with strangers being in "my space." I never would have thought to say what you said. I would have been somewhere between blood boiling and wonder if they were trying to steal my identity!

    Today I when I finished up my shopping and headed to the check out, there was a cart with a few items in it sitting at one of the checkouts with no owner. I could only assume the owner of said cart had run off to get something. GRRRR! I just went to the next one over, which was hardly no wait.

    Yeah, those wally labels are lame.

  8. I hate people that are breathing down my neck at the debit card machine...back off!

    On day I was standing in line at Target, because of course they only had one lane opened. I was about the 3rd person back and there were probably 3 people behind me and this lady walks up, while she is talking on her cell phone and complaining about how long the line is, she yells at the cashier to call another checker up. So the cashier stops what she is doing to try to call someone up. Then after a few minutes the witch on the cell phone comes up and starts yelling at the cashier again. So being the usually quiet person I am I surprised myself by telling the lady to shut up so the cashier can get back to checking the rest of us that were already standing in line and she could yell at the cashier all she wanted when it was her turn. I couldn't believe how rude she was.

  9. Molly, I read your blog while sitting in labcorp doing my 3 hour glucose test and I laughed out loud and looked like the crazy person laughing in a quiet room. Anyway, those are some funny stories and I can't believe the whitty things you think of to say at times like that.

    White labels. LAME. They just scream "I BUY THE WALMART BRAND!" With their bright whiteness.

    I've never gotten in front of or behind someone crazy but on at least three occassions the clerk told me the total, I pay and then looks over and sees I still had an item or two left to scan. "Did you want these?" Ummm... YEAH! That's why I put it on the freakin' thing to be scanned! Sometimes I had to still buy it but the other times I just said forget it. Since moving to Colorado I haven't had to complain much about Walmart. It's nice.

  10. Ooo, i hate those labels too. When they switched over, i was sad. :(

    My rant: how many times am I gonna move this freakin' food before I'm through with this all?? I move it to put it in the cart. I move it to put it on the belt. I move it to put it back in the cart. I move it into the car. I move it into the house. I move it to put it away. UGH! I hate it by the time I'm done! I loved it when I used to get Safeway delivery. :) They dropped off all my groceries onto my counter for me and all I had to do was put it away.....ahhhh, the good ol' days....

  11. Not sure how I got here but I have to say first off that I love the look of this blog. Simple, happy, colorful. Wow!

    Love your story.

    The worst thing is taking my granddaughters shopping. We got to a store called Trader Joes and they have these tiny little carts. I swear I want to wear shinguards backwards.

  12. So many times I have had people creep up when it is time to pay! That is why I like going to the grocery store where they bag my stuff so I can hold my position at the card machine.
