Wednesday, March 3

Wordless Wednesday: Change is in the


  1. Don't do it!! I love your hair long! It's addicting too and you won't be able to stop and you won't be able to go back.... Ok, I know you'll look good but I'm such a fan of long hair it's hard for me to let people cut their hair. =) Let's see what hairstyle you are thinking...

  2. So pretty even before a change!

  3. I can't believe how long it is! You are going to share an after picture...AREN'T YOU?!?

  4. I am so ready to chop mine too... but your hair does look beautiful now.. such great thick hair

  5. Go girl! You know I understand. :) Can't wait to see it. It's good for the soul.

  6. Did you cut all those layers recenlty? I never realized all the pretty layers you have! Your hair is my goal.

  7. If your thinking about cutting I will never be your friend again. Ok I will but don't do it!!!!

  8. Ok Ok, all these people say don't cut it, and I love long hair too (growing mine to my waist right now)BUT since I am a hairstylist I just have to say that you have the most ideal face shape for long OR short hair. Just so you know! SO what style you going for?!

  9. Don't even think about it, Molly. You win the prettiest-hair-in-the-ward contest EVERY week! Don't you dare change anything about it! I've never seen such gorgeous, shiny hair on a person! Unless you're doing it for a good cause...but even then, I wouldn't do it!

  10. It will be fine. Hair grows whether you want it to or not. Not that you wouldn't want it to grow, but, you know.

  11. Go for it! It grows back! Color it whatever you want. It's your hair! Can't wait to see what you do with it!
