Tuesday, March 30

I just figured out that all blogs you "follow" using Google Friend Connect will continue to show up in your Google Reader and you won't loose them, even if private. What a breakthrough. 

Here's what you do if you're already a "Regular" around here: Even if you already follow (and if you see your icon, then you do) click on the Follow box on the left side of the screen. Then opt to follow using your Google sign in and you're set. If you aren't following, hello, what are you waiting for??

Here's what you do if you have a private blog: Make sure you upload the "Follow" widget on your blog layout page so that others can follow and have your blog linked to their Google Reader. It is so much easier because once you're signed into Reader you don't need to sign into each blog even if they are private and going private seems to be an epidemic with blogs these days. Wink!


  1. I use google reader and it's not updating it anymore. I tried deleting myself as a follower and then joining again but it's still not working. A little frustrating but I'm sure I'll figure it out someday.

  2. what in the what...I thought I was following, but when I clicked follow it added me as if I wasn't following. i feel sheepish...thanks for the tip!
