Thursday, May 22

My Hyper-Hypo

This is Katie. She's my sister. She's one of my very best friends. She's moving away this weekend to La Verkin, UT (just outside St. George, UT). If you know some one in St. George (or just outside in La Verkin) would you tell them that the coolest girl just moved in to town and that she is going to need a friend? Thanks.

Today we kidnapped Katie for a sister lunch at Pete's. Here are my sisters. From the left: Katie (awesomest sister-in-law), Bethany, Katie Mae, Molly and Darcy.

But that's not all... We missed you, Chelsea! Sorry you had to work. Busy day at the dentist office.

And numbers 11 and 12: Olivia and Aubrey

While I'm making introductions; here are my brothers! From the left: Christopher, Andrew, Spencer and Matthew.

{Jenn, this is my parent's new (85-year old) house in Mesa.}

Happy Trails, Katie and Jacob!


  1. My little sister is moving to Utah in 2 weeks also! What is it with Utah taking away our fam these days? haha I will be really sad, as my other sister lives all the way in Texas, so no more AZ sisters for me :( I have awesome sister-in-laws though so that will help. I wish they would live closer together so they could be friends...mine will be somewhere closer to Provo. Hope they love it!

  2. its true- your sisters rock. dang Utah is lucky!!

  3. Thanks for the tibute pal! What the heck is up with my hair it is really pufffy. YIKES!!!

  4. I loved the pictures! And I would like to know how come all of you and your sisters are so gorgeous?? Seriously, those are some good genes, Bam Gina! :)
    I wish that St. George was closer to Tooele because I am always in need of a friend. But Katie will be pretty close to the state of Utah's wonderful Shakespeare festival, and I know she loves books. So maybe that will cheer her up.
    I love love love your parents house. How cute and cottagey! I just loved this post. Hurray for family pictures!
