Saturday, May 10

"The St. David Way"

So I cleaned out my pantry today. Yes, congratulations are in order. I found some cans of diet Coke left over from an open house I held and was just going to throw them away. Then Olen said he'd show me how to take care of them the "St. David way" (a term I've coined when he does something really hick - but totally adorable, of course). St. David, AZ is where Olen grew up; for those of you wondering.

Allow me to introduce you to the St. David way of getting rid of extra diet soda...

Step One.
Drive out of town...or at least past the wash. 
Help kid aim the "Red Ridey" (Porter's beloved Red Rider BB gun he got for he has not shot his eye out, yet.)

Step Two
Kid takes aim.

Step Three
Watch the diet go out the window.

Awh, yes. The happy spectators and picnic providers. Alright, it was really fun and way cooler than just throwing them away. FYI: I did take a shot with the ol' Red Ridey and nailed the can straight through the "e" on my first try, thank you very much.

So now you know how we handle left over diet soda in our house (and why nothing past the pantry got cleaned today). Ask me what we did with our Halloween'll understand why I, so lovingly, say "The St. David Way".


  1. I can totally relate...Chad says I am among the "hicks" also! Growing up in a small town does bring a lot of fun, creativeness to life :) Feel free to add us to your list of "homies"

  2. London is a QT PIE! and look at your hair, it is stinkin' long! I like it!
