Friday, May 9

Perks of Parenthood

Today in Porter's kindergarten class was a Mother and Father Tea Party. Basically a combined Mother's and Father's Day party.

Porter made this paper mache tie for Olen. I'll have to translate what is written:
My Daddy
I love you more than a rolucdr (a roller coaster). When I think of fish (fish) I think of you.
You make me laf (laugh).
My favorite thing we do together is fifishn (go fishing).
Love always,

This is a picture of Porter's flower hands that he made for me. Here's the translation:
My Mommy
I love you more than pcl jus (pickle juice - Porter loves pickle juice A LOT).
When I think of aplsz (apples) I think of you.
You make me laf (laugh).
You are so pridee (pretty).
You are funny too! You make me laugh. Remember when you tikols me (tickles me).

Porter's class sang a cute song "If you know you love your parents" sang to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it". In this picture, they just sang "If you know you love your parents, blow 'em a kiss!"

This is Porter and his little buddy Jake. They get in all kinds of trouble together and have to sit at opposite corners of the classroom.

This gig as a parent doesn't pay much. The benefits package can't be beaten. I wonder what the retirement package will be like?


  1. Hi Molly!!

    I am excited that you blog too!!

    Your Porter is something else, he was a fun Sunbeam for me & TIM;) he is a Sweetie!! Have a great Mothers day!!

  2. Thanks for sharing your blog! It is so much fun to keep up with everyone:) You have an adorable family! I'll never forget the time Porter told everyone in Primary that he was an acrobat (he couldn't believe none of the kids knew what that was!)LOL Welcome to the blog world!

  3. I think kindergarten spelling has to be the best thing to read in the whole world!
