Friday, May 16

One more hole in the head

Port lost his third tooth today. He said he deserves something big from the tooth fairy this time. He's a little bummed out because he can't do his high whistle with the gap in his front teeth anymore. Oddly, I am not sad at all.


  1. Congrats Porter!! Molly I am SO excited that you have joined the blog train!!! I love getting to see whats going on with you! :)

  2. Yea Porter! I will have to congratulate him tomorrow. It's always interesting to hear what the tooth fairy brings these days...if the price goes up any higher we're going to have to take out a 2nd mortgage to pay for teeth! LOL

  3. I laughed when I read that you "oddly are not sad" about the loss of his whistling ability! lol

  4. Good job Porter! He was sure proud of it at church yesterday.
