Wednesday, May 7

The Wizard of Blog

Call me Dorothy. My three sidekicks and I are off to discover the wonderful Wizard of Blog. It's Katie's fault. She's moving to St. George in three weeks and we needed a way to keep track of each other. So we're off....

Since you are reading this, you must be one of the select people I've invited to check in on us when ever you feel like (or are bored, or need a good laugh, or are a grandma and feel obligated to read each post, or just to catch the latest family update). Lucky you. So bookmark the site and check in often (at least once a week) and leave a comment or two if you feel so inclined. I'm still working out the kinks and getting the hang of being a blogger so the look may change (once I figure out how to do that). Also, this is probably going to be a long post, so make yourself comfortable.

Alright, let the fun begin. The first post: our family vacation to Washington, DC and Buena Vista, Virginia (pronounced by the locals as 'bew-na vista').

To anyone who is thinking of attempting five hours on an airplane with a two year-old; think twice. No more flying with the kids until they're in their twenties. Thank goodness for original formula Dramamine. Thank goodness.

The motive behind our cross-country excursion was to visit Arlissa (Olen's sister) in DC and Houston and Cara (Olen's youngest brother and his wife) in Virginia. We spent the first day in DC touring monuments and the National Museum of Natural History. The weather was beautiful and the dogwood trees were in bloom. It was a gorgeous day.

My favorite of the memorials; the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. Porter is doing what he calls his "cool dude" pose. It is very effective.

The Natural History Museum has an exhibit on butterflies. You can walk among 300 butterflies in this small climate controlled "cocoon" room. The butterflies were very flirtatious and would land on us and let us hold them. London would try to swat at them so we had to hold her hands back. She's still stuck on the all-bugs-are-bad-bugs idea. And for now, that's OK.

The next day we drove to Buena Vista, Virginia (three hours from DC) to visit Houston and Cara. We went to the Virginia Safari Zoo on our way to their house. We stood in the bed of Houston's truck and fed animals from around the world buckets of grain. It was a blast.

The next day we drove to Buena Vista, Virginia (three hours from DC) to visit Houston and Cara. We went to the Virginia Safari Zoo on our way to their house. We stood in the bed of Houston's truck and fed animals from around the world buckets of grain. It was a blast.

Houston graduated from Southern Virginia University on May 3rd.

Houston, watch your about seven years.

Since Porter's been taking wrestling lessons twice a week for the past five weeks; he honestly believes with all of his sweet little heart that he could beat Houston in a wrestling match. But when asked to go "live" with Uncle Houie, Porter always had something else he needed to do first.
Well done Houston! Here's the fam at the graduation.

From left to right: Molly, London, Olen, Adam Welker (cousin), Porter, Houston, Cara (and the adorable baby bump), Arlissa, Billy Ray and Arlyce (father and mother-in-law)

After the graduation we took a drive to Charlottesville, Virginia to tour Thomas Jefferson's estate, Monticello.
Definitely a highlight of the trip. My favorite.

The grounds are kept just as they were when Thomas Jefferson lived there. The photo above is of Mr. Jefferson's private veranda and green house. That man thought of everything.

The next day was Sunday and we joined Houston and Cara at their ward that met in the University shown above. Picture London in Sacrament Meeting at the University Singles Ward. (yeah right.) Now picture London and me walking the foyer at the University Singles Ward. Yup. Story of my life. But it was a beautiful foyer.

After church, Houston and Cara took us for a scenic drive and picnic. Virginia is so beautiful and we couldn't have ordered better weather the whole week.

After saying "See ya soon!" to Houston and Cara we drove on back to DC. We delayed our flight home so we could fit in a few more stops "down town".

Porter found the Air and Space Museum especially interesting since he wants to be either a space ship pilot or a garbage man. He just can't decide which one has the better ride. Porter-naut! To infinity and beyond!

Join us next time for more adventures of the Reynolds family.


  1. Holy cow, and I am SO excited that you have a blog. And not only is it just a blog, it is the sweetest, coolest blog ever! You're such an entertaining writer, I love it! I will be able to keep in touch with you guys much more easily this way and leave comments to my heart's content. I am happy! You made my day!
    (Also, your D.C. trip brought back some memories for me. Where is that butterfly place? I don't even think my Mom has heard of it! That was so neat!)

  2. Welcome, fellow citizen of the blog world!! Thanks for inviting me in...keep up with us, too, at my blog -
    You're awesome! Hey - what a great vacation you had! :)

  3. Love it and all the pictures! Looks like it was super fun, except the whole airplane part! I started a book blog last night!

  4. This is too cute Molly! You are so creative and just made me laugh!
    What an amazing trip that sounded like! I'm so jealous....looks beautiful! Thanks for sending me the link!

  5. Yea! I am SOO glad you finally caved into starting a blog! What an amazing trip! I'm entirely jealous.

  6. Hey Molly! I just wanted to pop by and say Hi! I have not seen you in forever! You have the cutest family and you too look so good!
