Tuesday, June 24

So I'm a couple days behind (I blame the play) but better late than never, right?

My big bro, Chris, had a birthday on Sunday, June 22nd and I wanted to dedicate this post to him.

Some of my favorite things about Christopher:

*Since we're only one year and four days apart we've always been able to tell people we're really twins. This always worked, except for when I had a growth spurt and was a good six inches taller than he was for like a year. He caught up eventually. Good thing.
*He always let me tag along with him and his friends.
*He has mad camera skills and I get to have some of his pictures in my house.
*He's a good listener and advice giver.
*He never made any of us five sisters surrounding him feel like he wished we were really brothers. Like, he was never too girly to let us paint his toe nails. Well, it took all four sisters to sit on him and I had to paint really really fast, but it did happen. And he kept them painted too. But that might have been because we hid the nail polish remover. I'm not sure.
*He married a freak-awesome girl.
*I get to call him brother and best friend.

Here's me and Chris throughout the ages:

I love you, Bud.

OK, so this post isn't totally about Chris. But as long as I have the attention of the grandparents in the audience - check this out.

Huh? Huh? Do you see it? I found the picture of Aubrey and at first I thought it was London! So, maybe it's just a mom thing. Or maybe it's just that it's super late right now. But still, crazy alike, right?


  1. Great post! Here's what I have to say about Chris.

    *He lets us call him Chris now. When we were little nicknames were reserved for guy friends only.

    *He taught us how to make some awesome positions in the backyard.

    *He (and Katie) got Jacob and I together. So I am indebted for life!

    *He IS a great listener! He and I were dating at the same time and when we would get home from dates we would just sit and talk about them.

    *He helped me through a really hard time in my life (two word poop stain).

    Love ya big bro!

  2. Oh! I just looked at what time you posted this. tsk tsk. You were up late! =) This was super sweet of you Molly! What an awesome sis you are! And I'm going to thief those pictures of you and Chris.

    ps: London TOTALLY looks like Aubrey!

  3. yay christopher. I'll add to the chris awesomeness!!!

    *first of all, he baptized me, and that has always been really special to me. (and afterwards he took me to baskin robbins for ice cream!)

    *he (and katie) always get my favorite drink or maybe a tasty burrito from fili's after i babysit

    *he made cute kids who are obsessed with me (ok, only cecily- but still- obsessed is an understatement when it comes to me and cecily's relationship.) i love 'em.

    *he used to take me to my friends' houses and didn't complain. and i bet he still would if i asked him to!!!

    * we have matchy-matchy scions! and he didn't even get mad that i copied him!

    * he gave us a way cool sister, katie alice rogers richards!

    so about fuzzy and L.... they are like twins!!!!

    if aubrey had little elfy ears, i would think they were the same little girl! (i love london's ears btw!)

  4. Yeah, those ears are something else.
