Thursday, June 5


Too late! You already read the title of my post and now you are officially "tagged"! So read through my 8 Lesser Known Facts and then off you go to write down your own.
I was tagged by a bloggalious friend and now I've tagged you,
dear reader. Betchya didn't know that I had short red hair starting after high school up until I moved home from Flagstaff. We had been married for two years and Porter was just one and I decided to go dark. Olen met me with this hair style and assumed it was my natural color because I colored my eye brows to match. I liked the red, but it was hard to upkeep. I'm digging my dark hair now.

I am a huge fan of 'The Office'. I chose this picture of Dwight because I think he is misunderstood. He is really a sweet guy and smart and dedicated and has a freak awesome cousin Mose. Dear cousin Mose...

I actually like country music! Crazy, but true. Olen built the house for the production manager of KNIX and so she gave him a 'thank-you' present by taking us to see Brad Paisley and Sara Evans. We got front row seats and then got to meet them both after the show. As you can see London was there, too. The lady we went with was so worried that we were too close to the speakers and they were hurting my baby's hearing. So she made me hold a souvenir t-shirt over my tummy the whole time. Small price to pay to meet one of my favorite singer/song writers. Oh, and London's hearing is perfect.

Now how's this for crazy. I was Prom Queen. Honest. Class of 1999 Prom Queen. Don't I look dreamy? I went with one of my best friends, Ammon. It was a blast.We partied like it was, well, 1999.

I heart Jack Black. Huge.

Around a year ago I needed a hobby and so I took up running. I found out I love it. I try to go every day I can. Here's me and my gal Katie at a 5K last August and me and my friend Kristen at the 2007 10K Turkey Trot. It's a great hobby. Nothing to buy except a good pair of shoes, couple of tops and bottoms. Then you're off.

This is how I knew I loved Olen. We were dating and I saw this picture of a two-year-old Olen at his parent's house and thought "Our kids are going to be so cute." I never ever thought that before about any guy! The best part is, I was right. And isn't he a cutie?! You wanna pinch those cheeks, I know you do.

And lastly, I am a Monet lover to the death. Ever since I was too young to know much about art, I've loved his paintings. So peaceful and calming. Maybe it's all the cobalt blue. This piece is my favorite because a) sunflowers are my most favorite flower in all the world and b) yellow is my favorite color. If we have another daughter she will be named Monet. You better not steal that, (unless you're not related to me then I might forgive you in time). We had to use up the name London first because that's where Olen served the Good ol' Mish; but for sure next time. Then I will at last have my very own Monet.
Tah-Dah! There they are, 8 Lesser Known Facts. Mystery solved. Now go do yours.


  1. Okay, I did not know any of that, except I do remember the Monet picture in your house. I, too, have a love affair with Jack Black.

  2. I am honored to say that I knew all of that. That must make me you bestest gal pal in the world. Right? Except I don't know who that girl with the black shirt on, she has a crazy smile. That picture must have been taken she ran the 5k and was completely exhausted and felt she was going to throw up. But I am sure she had a blast doing it!!!

  3. This was the awesomest post to read ever. First of all Prom Queen, I never knew quite a few of these. I love the name Monet, but I will try not to steal it (even though I too am a huge fan. Let's go see the original art together. Sounds good.) And I really do want to take up running like you. The thing is that I like to run at night because it's cooler and dark, but then I get scared because it's dark! lol! So maybe I'll go in the morning. How do you do it with the kids again? Anyway, you're so cool. I love your taste!

  4. Hmmmm....Monet Brewer, I kinda like that! ;) JK! I am proud to say that I remember you being Prom Queen!

  5. um, love this.
    i totally remember when you fell in love with Olen, and you telling me all about it :)
    i love the baby name idea, go for it! and i have to admit that office rocks and Dwight is the character that i think i would be if the show was about my work place... super nerdy and over dramatic!
    thanks for sharing!
    but... do i have to do the tag because i JUST did 7 random fact about myself and if i do 8 lesser known facts, people will just call me down right CONCIETED!!! please? let me pass on this one...
    *ps, i forgot to mention that i am super jealous of your jogging hobby... you are such a BABE!

  6. Did you know that I already have a niece named Monet? Well, I do! I bet you could name her parents too. I think you should name your next daughter Rosanne as a tribute to Katie's addiction to the show.

  7. Roseanne Reynolds? I'll have to think long and hard on that one.

    OK. I'm done. Nope. :)

  8. Yay! There's a picture of me on the interweb!

  9. I finally wrote mine..The red hair is great, do you remember the movie Single white female? It reminds me of that:) haha

    What a cutie pie Olen is..he looks the Jace LeSueur in that pic?
