Friday, August 29


  1. WOW! Congrats on your success! That's amazing. You are awesome; the thought of putting one foot in front of the other in any kind of accelerated fashion is exhausting to me. Whoot! Whoot! Go, Molly!

  2. Go girl!! That is awesome!!You should be super proud!

  3. YEA FOR YOU AND YOUR AWESOMENESS! You look nice and tan too!

  4. Way to go! Did I mention you look great?! BTW- Chea is offering a photography workshop in the middle of September. You should come, she would be able to tell you what kind of camera would work for you...besides I'll be there, I'd love to see you.

  5. oh my goodness! you are my hero!

  6. Wow that's awesome! And you look so fabulous! And I laughed out loud over the Porter comments!

  7. I wish I was as motivated as you! I'm definitely NOT a runner. Way to go my super fast friend...I'm proud of you! Hope your friendship dinner was awesome!

  8. your totally my hero!! I keep wanting to start my training for our 3-Day, but life keeps getting in the way!! You rock! And I love the new family pic at the bottom!

  9. Wowzer! I am soooo impressed :o) Way to go Speedy-gonzalez! And I agree with everyone else - you look fabulous!

    I am proud of you.
