Thursday, August 7

School is in.

I promise I didn't pose him; this is his signature cool dude pose. But seriously, is he not sooo handsome?
Porter started first grade yesterday. He had a good time except that they didn't "feed [him] enough at lunch". The lunch lady wouldn't allow seconds on spaghetti and that ruined his whole day. Honestly, I think if a kid has the guts to ask the lunch lady for more, he should get it, right? Maybe I just think all lunch ladies are scary.
On the bright side; he does have one of his best buddies in his class and can visit with his second-grade cousin at recess.
So all in all, it was an okay day.
The house was too quiet without him home and London wandered the rooms calling for Porter ("Poe-Poe? Poe-Poe...?") most of the morning. I tried to tackle my growing laundry pile, but ended up hanging out with London instead. It was a pretty dull day until Porter came home.
I have projects in the works and know that my days will grow busy again in no time. The summer break just seemed to come and go so quickly.


  1. That is a super cute pose of Porter! (in the voice of the annoying dragon tails dragon) LOOOVE IT!

    Now that "summer time" is over does that mean you're taking the song off your playlist?

  2. I know just the voice...

    Yeah, I guess it's time to switch up my music. Any suggestions?

  3. I love the poses! I can't believe that he is in first grade. That make me feel old to have a nephew in the 1st grade, I can only imagine how you much feel Mol! haha

  4. i agree with the changing the music thing. i have to admit. sometimes i avoid your blog cause i can not stand the sound of anoying children singing. bahahahahhahahahah jk i love you molly.. but seriously.

  5. I KNOW! I even turn the volume down on my computer when I check my blog. How sad is that? Or I just switch songs...B, maybe I should show you how to do that so you stop avoiding me and my singing primary children...

    Katie, I do feel super old because I have vivid memories of 1st grade. I had my first crush in 1st grade! Yikes!

  6. Porter IS one of the coolest kids I know! He cracks me up & he is stinking cute. Tell him I said it would ruin my day too if they wouldn't give me seconds..LOL! I'll have to ask him for pointers on the cool dude look :)

  7. When I had music on my blog I would also turn it off when I would check it, so I just deleted it cause I couldn't stand it.

  8. Since we're making confessions it's a blog pet peeve of mine when they have music because when I'm on the computer I am already listening to music so then I have to quickly find the music player on the blog (which is in a different spot on everyone's!) and pause it. OR when I'm blog stalking Chris always knows what I'm doing cause he'll hear different music coming home and then I get teased! But I still love you Molly and your cute kids and your music player! =)

  9. ps: I LOVE the Hey Porter song! I wish I could find cool songs with my kids names in them. Wo is me!

  10. It's official. The music thing is a goner. It has served its purpose well.
