Saturday, August 23

Friendship Dinner

So our ward does this really fun thing (and I'm not just saying that because I'm on the Activities Committee), once every other month we organize 'Friendship Dinners'. This is where you sign up to host a dinner at your house or sign up to attend a dinner at someones house. As an attendee you randomly get assigned where to attend the dinner. As a host, after you're told who will be coming, the party planning is totally up to you. This is the part I'm so stoked about because Olen and I signed up to host!
We went to the last dinner as attendees and had such a blast. We had a great time eating and talking with people from our ward we never would have gotten together with on our own, ya know? And now we see each other at church and we have a connection and friendship - hence the name of the game.
Ok, now's the part where you come in. You got ideas and I need them!
What should I do for my dinner?!
We can do whatever we want as a host; potluck or anything. As an Activities Committee we've been emphasizing the potluck approach so that everyone is involved in the meal and the hosts don't have to provide for all. So some ideas that I'm brewing right now are fajitas/Mexican theme, Chinese (I'll need your rice recipe, Chris, if I go this way), all-finger-food potluck or bar-b-que.
Whattaya think? If you were coming to my house for a dinner party what would be the perfect menu? Oh! and games!! I have one good dinner game, but give me some more ideas to do while we're all sitting and eating; awkward silences are not invited to my party. The party is next Saturday, so I've got a week to throw it all together.
I know we can do it! And then I'll blog all about it! Oh how thrilling!


  1. I don't know what they are called, I'll have to ask Veronica, but they are cards with questions to stimulate conversation. Sometimes silly questions, sometimes deep. Anyway that might be fun to make a game out of having to randomly draw a card and ask the group a question.

  2. A potato bar is always a hit and easy to do!

    Have some pretty decorated boxes as your table centerpiece and have someone unwrap a box every once in a while and have a question in each box that everyone has to answer about themselves. ei - Tell something about yourself that no one knows about, or what is your favorite color and why or I am sure that you can come up with some pretty funny off the wall questions!

    I'll be excited to hear all about it. I was just put on the activity committee and I like the spin on this idea! Great job!!

  3. Thanks for the ideas, Katie and Carrie! OK, so I'm thinking that pre-planned questions are the way to go!

  4. I was going to suggest the question cards as well! There are several sets that you can buy. Because this weekend is Labor Day weekend, I would have a real all-American meal, like grilled burgers and some great side salads (hit the supermarket deli if you're busy). Don't forget a fruit salad, or slices of watermelon. Decorate with red checked stuff and burlap with some fresh sunflowers...How about pie and ice cream for dessert (my fav is Mrs. Smiths frozen deep dish apple if you don't have time for homemade)? Sounds so fun!! Can't wait to see how it comes together.

  5. Good luck with your dinner. I can never think of things for these sorts of events. So maybe I'll follow your example and ask for advice next time! I love the internet!

  6. I think you should go Japanese theme and all sit on the floor, eating sushi. That would be funny. For me. If there are any weird silences, you could aways start a round of 'Get your elbows off the table'....

  7. BTW- I had to double check I was at the right blog! I like your redecorating!

  8. Yeah, my blog needed redoing. And I'll probably redo it again another time, too. ;)

    THANKS for the ideas everyone! Olen reeaally wanted to bar-b-que and I wanted a theme, so I think we're going to go Mexican style and grill up some carne y pollo asada. It'll be muy muy yummy and fun…I hope.

    My readers rock!
