Monday, August 11


Sometimes I forget that it's okay to just write whatever I want even if it's pictureless meaningless chatter. So here goes.
I've been organizing my house from summer-time slacking and also putting my family back on some kind of schedule (not as easy as it sounds) since school started last week. Olen is out of the house every morning by 6am, so we are changing scripture reading to an evening activity. Plus we can put London down for bed and better help Porter sound out words like 'Rameumptom'.
Speaking of Porter, he is liking school a little more each day. I can tell he misses kindergarten and how he had rest and snack time. He told me, "First grade is like real school, mom!" I told him, "Wait until college." He didn't get it.
London is driving me crazy because she is so bored without "Poe-Poe" home. She wants me to be her nonstop entertainer and it's getting old quick. I pretty much begged my friend that I visit teach to let her four-year-old son just come over and play with London once or twice a week. I think I freaked her out.

1 comment:

  1. (LONG COMMENT ALERT! lol) Hey I love this type of blog entry! It's funny that you thought it was boring! Boring is when no one posts anything at all! So sounds like both you and Katie are so excited that she is coming down. I had to laugh when I read her blog because she said she hasn't been down since June. lol! She said it like it was such a long time. You Richards clan are tight! (Well we are too, but we just live way farther apart in the Fisk/Weatherbee clan). And can I just get an amen about little ones wanting you to be their playmate and it kind of getting old! I'm so glad you wrote that because I have been going through that with Maddy and thinking, Hmm, now I understand why people have two kids. lol! Hey and I wish you guys lived closer because I need someone to fix my couch. Well maybe you wouldn''s not leather or vinyl. Do you just fix leather and vinyl? Anyway, it doesn't matter since you live so far away, but even still, maybe you could give me some pointers!
