Wednesday, September 10


Yesterday I cleaned my house while wearing Olen's sauna suit. What a trip. Or should I say drip. Ha! I turned off my ac and tidied the house while sweating to the oldies. I was seriously dripping. When Port came home from school he asked if I was wearing garbage bags. It was so much funner cleaning up like that, I think I'll do it again today. I love a good multi-task. I hope my suit dried out.

In other drippy news, London's got a cold today. Her nose keeps running and we can't seem to catch up with it. She sneezes and fires away! Ten Kleenexes stat! I hope it's only the famed family allergies and not a real cold because....

Friday is the FIBRENEW Convention in Las Vegas! As part of our franchisee agreement we have to go to one convention a year. It's an untimely and Star-Trekie sounding event that I'm not really looking forward to. So I'm focusing on the best - a weekend away with my main squeeze. The kiddos will be lovingly left at Grandma's while Olen and I rub elbows with other Fibrenew owners. We even have matching shirts...okay, I can't lie, this part I'm pretty stoked about. So I hope Elle's runny nose runs away.

Today was Porter's school pictures.
Here's remembering my little man littler as a proud kindergartner last year...


  1. Hilarious.....'garbage bags'....funny....Have fun with Olen this weekend!!

  2. Porter is such a babe! And I really think he should come and hang w/the Tietjens for the weekend! Just my opinion. And I need more info about the sauna suit?? What the junk??

  3. What, no picute of you in the coveted "suit"? Seriously disappointed my friend :)

    Vegas is always fun. Chad's parents are there this weekend too, but definitely not for the FIBRENEW convention...hehe
    Hope you have some rockin alone time with your hubby!
