Wednesday, September 17

London on my mind

This is London Mae.

She is two-years and three and a half months old. And pretty much the family pet.

She is known by many names. Before she was born Porter named her Buttercup. Then when she was born she would sing songs "yah, yah, yah, yah" all day; so Porter named her La-La. Olen calls her Lolly Pop, Pumpkin Bread, Darl'n, and Princess. I call her L (Elle), Ellie, La-La, Sugar and Lamb. She doesn't really like to be called Lundie and Lunders.

Her most favorite food is candy.

Her favorite animals are dogs.

She is most happy whenever Porter is home and playing with her or when she is drinking a "bobbie" (bottle) with her "happy" (the blaket).

She's my 8am to 3pm sidekick. After that it's all about Porter and Dadda.

London keeps me busy, drives me crazy and makes me happy. I love my little girl.


  1. What a cute post! I like all of the nicknames that you have given her, we have lots for Maddy too. Cute little London!

  2. What awesome posts for your kidos! How the hek did you make all your pictures so cute? Clue me in friend, cause I'm clueless! You are such an awesome mom, wife & friend!

  3. Little London looks like a sweet side-kick! What a lucky mom you are :o) I like the nicknames also. What a very sweet family you have...good job Molly!

  4. How sweet. Good idea to spot light the kids! Cute pics of London, too.

  5. London is so cute!! I love those pictures!!
