Tuesday, September 23

I'm going to save you all $100.00, the way I did earlier today. Let me tell you how:

When Porter was four years-old he stuck a popcorn kernel up his nose, you know the 'old maid' kind. We tried everything to get it out (tweezers, pepper -not recommended- blowing) on our own; but couldn't get it. So we gave it a day and then off to the ER we went to have the doctors suck it out. Well, their sucking tools were too big for his little nostrils so after six hours in the ER, two shots of sleepy meds and $100.00 later a nurse came into our area of the ER and offered an idea. A paperclip. He bent the clip like so:
And pulled out the popcorn kernel without a tear shed. Painless and quick.

Well, today London put a pretzel rod up her nose and it broke half way up there. She was majorly freaking out because there was now a pretzel rod up her nose and she kept unsuccessfully blowing her nose. I had to call Olen home so he could hold her hands down, but then we calmly got out a paperclip and hooked that pretzel right out. Ta da! Thanks to the nurse with the Tietjen Noodle in the ER that night, I'll never have to pay that $100.00 deductible for any nose clogging issues again. Now I hope you won't either.

A bit of random:

Parent-Teacher Conferences are this week for Porter. I meet with his teacher on Thursday morning. The teacher that Porter swears is out to find ways to get him into trouble. The teacher that Porter just knows secretly hates all little boys - especially him. The teacher that makes Porter tie his own shoes and won't let him have band-aids. I choose to forget all that and just think of her as the teacher that has to be with 30 six and seven year-olds all day..

Olen asked if I could make my cowboy beans and fry bread tonight. The aroma of the beans piping away on the stove brings back all kinds of delicious memories of my childhood. I'm so grateful that my mom taught me how to cook and bake and always had something homemade and scrumptious on the stove for the family. Baking from scratch is one of my favorite things. Well, besides the eating part.


  1. Whats with your kids and sticking things up their noses? I am so glad I haven't had to deal with that.

  2. Sounds like you had an awesome day!! I am sure I'll need that technique sometime in my future. Good to know!

  3. Sounds yummy. What are cowboy beans? Whatever they are, if they come with fry bread, I'm a believer!

  4. What is the thing from 8pm-1am?

  5. Wow, that's a handy high tech tool!! Love it! I am guessing that might work well for ears, too.....

    Interesting hours you're offering....what kind of operation are you running? Anything like your shy neighbor? ;)

  6. That is great! Too bad I did not know this secret when we had those issues years ago. It would have really helped.

    Yes - please come and work with us if you like hanging out with cool chicks...no me...but Molly is pretty cool. ;-)
