Thursday, September 4

"It's Katie's Birthday, yo. Get her a sweet sicky sicky present...maybe a neck brace."

Happy Birthday Katie!

My beautiful little sister, Katherine Mae, is celebrating the mighty twenty-six years today.
I am the luckiest girl because I have six sisters/best friends; today I'll focus on Kate.
If you've ever wondered why she is so completely off-the-radar-rad, allow me to fill you in on the details. Here are just a few:
1. She knows what's going on. Even when she lived in another state, she knew more about what's going on with the fam than me.
2. Did I mention that she moved back to good ol' AZ?! (This should probably be number one.)
3. She's the best listener and understander. She knows what I mean.
4. She has a great sense of humor and can make me laugh at anything.
5. She is humble and sees the best in everything.
6. She makes amazing cookies.
7. She teaches herself new skills and discovers hidden talents in herself and others.
8. I never have a bad time when I'm with her.

9. She makes me forget what a dork I really am.

10. I know she's always there when I need her.

Here's me and Katie on a Daddy-Daughter outing. Judging by our hair, this is probably the next morning.

Way to go, Class of 2000!
We made these glasses hot waaay before Paris even knew they existed.
Mexico day-trip with two of my favorite girls. Que bonita!
Wedding Day.
Before we lost the baby weight, aka Ogden and London.
Tell your favorite thing about Katie, a fun memory or just a Happy Birthday message!


  1. Thank you thank you big sis! I am glad that you used all good pictures of me.

  2. katie, what can i say. I tried hard in my life to teach you the life skills that you would need. are you not so thrilled that i could teach you how to clean and baby sit? with out these wonderful lessons i am sure that you would be totaly lost as a mother. No really i am glad that i was able to get to know my sister kids and be close to you guys growing up. I love you and wish the best in life. Love your fav auntie colleenie the weenie who wouldn't get caught dead in a bakinie. happy b-day

  3. I hope my girls are as close as you and your sisters. I always wanted built-in best friends; you are so lucky!

  4. I already confessed my love for Katie but I hope it was a memorable day for you. You're super awesome great!

  5. Katie, (this is fun leaving her a message on your blog Mol! lol) I remember being jealous of your gorgeous perm when you were probably nine years old or something. You were always fun to have along while we played. I remember being so annoyed if my sister played with Molly and me, but I was excited (and so was Molly...guess I was just a mean sister lol) when you played with us. Ahh those golden elementary school days! p.s. Love the pictures!

  6. I absolutely LOVE the picture of the two of you back to back and preggo! I can't wait to take pics like that with my sisters. (But they better hurry up or I better slow down or it won't ever happen!)

  7. Happy birthday to your lil' sis! My boys and I are heading down to queen creek friday afternoon when Reed gets out of school. Did you sign up for Chea's workshop?

  8. happy happy birthday katie dear! Gotta love the trip to Cali! Sure wish we would actually GO AGAIN!!!
