Monday, September 22

Rainy days and Mondays always get me...

I'm not gonna lie to you, Land of Blog, I'm having a pretty melancholy Monday over here today. Seeing this when I wandered into the kitchen to make breakfast helped a lot, though. I think my Monday might be on the mend...

London and I decided that we needed to fix our hair and put on some make up and face the day looking fabulous. Then we made some dough. Play dough that is. Mom, now I know why you made this stuff for us so much when we were little. I put this together an hour ago and London hasn't moved from her spot since. So I thought I would pass it on to all my favorite readers. Just in case the melancholiness has hit your Monday too.

Kids Clay also known as Salt Dough

1c flour

1/2 c salt

2 t cream of tartar (why is this called 'cream' when it's really a powder? And what is 'tartar' if this powder stuff is its cream? oh well...)

1 c water

1 t cooking oil

food coloring

Mix everything together in a medium sauce pan and don't stop stirring till it's turned into dough. (I've made this before without the cream of tartar and it's just fine, a little more sticky, but who cares, right?) I added a little splash of cinnamon extract to mine. Also nice is lemon or strawberry or almond, but I'm crazy for cinnamon...yeah, yeah, laugh it up Kate.

I've just put on my Best of Harry Chapin...I think this Monday will be alright after all. Wait. I know this Monday will be alright. Right, mom? I love you.


  1. I hear you Mol. We all have days like that, but you're still such a great mom to make play dough with your daughter and take pictures to remember it. That's the mark of a good mom--keep going even when you're a little blue! love you!

  2. If you say you don't have days like this, I would wonder about you. You are such a great MOM! Always doing fun activities.
