Saturday, September 27

How Porter Rolls

Parent-teacher conference with Porter's teacher went really well. (I admit it, I was a little nervous for what she might have to tell me.) Only good things. Port is doing great and achieving all A's and made it on the Honor Roll. This sounded like a cause for celebration. What does that mean for this family? You guessed it. Peter Piper Pizza.
We always order the same kind of pizza - peperoni and pineapple. Don't knock it till you've tried it. I can't remember if it was Briauna or Camille that introduced me to this combo, but now it's Olen's favorite too. Porter could eat any kind of pizza and London thinks "pizza-apples" are yucky so she picked them off.

Porter zipped around the game floor playing one game after another. Olen stayed put at his favorite game (that one where you put the token in and then try to shoot it just right...I don't know the name, so let's just call it "frustrating"). I watched London ride the alien merry-go-round till we ran out of tokens. Bittersweet, but it was time to roll on home.


  1. Way to go Porter (& I'm sure mom lended a helping hand :)!

    My kids always use more tokens on the rides than the games...they agree with London!

  2. It was Briauna who introduce the pepperoni and pineapple Good Time!
    Hey I have been talking to Lisa on facebook and wants to get together with you, me, Chels and Briauna.

  3. What a fun celebration! I'm glad Porter is doing well at school. Starting out successful is so important.

    Peperoni and pineapple..huh? I'll stick with my ham and pineapple.

  4. I think pineapple goes with anything sounds super yummy yummy! And looks like a good ol' time you had!
