Friday, November 14

Flashback Friday

First, I need to give some blog love to let me think on it for coming up with this weekly post idea that I love a lot, a lot. You are so very awesome and thank you for sharing!

This week's flashback comes from my dear Daddio and Mamasita Bonita.

This weekend marks the thirtieth anniversary of the day they met back in 1978. Aren't they smokin'?! My parents were so hip for their time; I know I saw that jacket and swank blue dress in a magazine yesterday.

Here's the love story in a nutshell: So, my folks met in November at a young single adult dance. Dad thought mom was hot but too shy (vague on the details here, because I don't believe my dad has a shy bone in his body) to just ask my mom out on a date, so he looked up her address in the phone book. Wait. I think my mom already had a boyfriend of sorts. Yup, I think that was it. Anyways, he would drive up and down her street gaining the courage to ask her out. Turns out he was driving up and down my mom's grandma's street - so he never saw her! Oh daddio.

Then dad tried where mom worked. My mom was a modern woman clipping hair like an allstar. Dad would go down and wait for her to cut his hair. Then they became friends. Then they started dating. Dad was a Westwood High Warrior and Mom a Hometown High Jackrabbit (bitter school rivals). They were a regular Romeo and Juliet.

Dad was a track star and mom loved a good run too, so they enjoyed going together. One day while out of breath and head over heels, my dad says to my mom "I love you"! Mom said the same and so in August they tied the knot. Now, thirty years, thirteen kids and countless wonderful and priceless memories later they're still just two kids in love.


  1. I love your parents! I always loved going to your house in high school because you could always feel the love there. What an awesome example they are. Tell them congrats.

  2. *sigh*... i love fairytales!
    i seriously think your mom looks just as young now as she did then!
    next... lets hear YOUR love story!

  3. What an awesome story; great history you're writing down for your kids.

  4. i didn't even know any of that?!
    i sure do love their freaking guts though.
    i hope i am just like them!

  5. Molly~ did I mess up and miss you and Olen coming to St. David?!?

    I love your blog~ great mix of stories from the past, current events and things that are special to you.

    Holy cow~ you are one of 13 kids?!

  6. PS I'm not too good at coming up with my own original ideas, but I sure can copy them! I love the Flashback Friday idea!

  7. I think that they did dance together at the dance, but mom was kind of dating another guy. And when he told her he loved her she was kind of freaked out because of this other guy but then realized that Daddio was the one for her.

  8. Oh...yeah! That guy from Utah? Right?
