Monday, November 3

Halloween. I really don't understand you. We stress out to think of what to dress up as. Then put it all together so it can be disassembled as we walk in the dark through streets of strangers and beg for candy. Whatever.
Porter stayed in character all night; this is the most he smiled in all my pictures. London would twirl around in circles to see her fluffy skirt fly.
Olen and I left the Hulk and Witchy with mom & dad-in-law so we could gorge on deep-fried Oreoes with the other big kids over at Chris and Katie's Miller St. Cottage. Have you ever had a deep-fried Oreo?! Wow. I'm converted. "It's a party in my tummy."
After sorting out the candy bars to make our traditional day-after-Halloween-candy-bar-ice-cream, then hiding the best ones (tootsie rolls) up in a secret spot, I vacuum pack the rest and added it to the year supply for a rainy day.
In the end, I guess all kids, small and big and in-between, had a pretty good night. But I'm still glad it's a once a year deal.


  1. Sounds fun! I'm glad you had a good time. I was going to try deep fried twinkies, but I never got around to it.

  2. I LOVE halloween. But I am thinking I have been missing out on this party in my tummy business. Cute witch skirt! Did you make it? You're so crafty!

  3. One could have the same argument about Christmas. Parents spend months getting ready for a holiday that's over in a day, really hours. The only thing that matters are the memories created that will live on every time our kids look at the pictures of them dressed up in costumes.

  4. Sure. I’m with you about the kids. It’s my only motive for participating in Halloween. Even though the pictures are really just for me.
    And I so much enjoy the months of preparation for Christmas, it's half the fun. Anticipating that moment when the gift I've put thought and care into is finally opened by its receiver. Christmas is a holiday that gives love, hope and cheer to everyone who’s willing to look for it. Halloween is loads of good times, too; but the only thing it gives back is cavities. Okay and some super cute pictures.

  5. I love Porter's face in that picture! So funny. They looked great!

  6. Im so the Halloween Scroodge! Without the Slade Halloween party it's just not the same! Your blog is soooo fun to read! I miss you guys.
