Monday, November 17

How do the weekends get so busy? I would love to wake up one Saturday morning and say "Wow...I have nothing to do today." But then I would probably be complaining that I'm so bored.

Friday night Olen and I got away to enjoy the Mesa Temple and a peaceful night out together.
Then came Saturday morning where I did a whole day's worth of cleaning and laundry in three hours so I could spend the day in Mesa showing houses to clients I couldn't refuse.
Olen had back-to-back appointments so he went one way and the kids and I went another. The day ended by falling asleep half way through a boring movie and not even caring who the double agent really was. Olen told me in the morning, anyways.

Sunday is typically the most busiest day of the whole week. It should be the opposite, right? Day of rest and all that it is. I like to have a big breakfast on Sunday mornings because church doesn't start until 2 o'clock and we usually are too busy to stop for lunch. So I make breakfast, then clean breakfast. Then I go straight into dinner prep because we get home at 5:30 and having cold cereal for Sunday dinner is not an option. So then I make dinner, then clean dinner. Then it's time to lay out the clothes and clean up the kids. Then it's time to go to church. Then we do church. Then we come home. Then we eat dinner. Then we clean up dinner, again. Then it's time to get ready for bed. Then go to bed. And that's the only part of my day of rest, that I actually get to rest.

Luckily, this Sunday was a little more easy going. Olen and Porter left in the morning for St. David to celebrate a family friend's 50th wedding anniversary and catch up with his hometown buddies. A pit stop to check up on his General Lee was also in the plans. It's down there getting a new engine, so we can bring it up here and sell it. Tell your friends!
So while the boys went south for the day, Elle and I got gussied up for church and a dinner at Nana and Papa's house. London sat so still while I wrapped her hair in curlers for the first time. When I removed the curlers just before walking out the door for church I was so excited with the curly results I said "It worked! Oh, you're so pretty!" Then as I was slipping on my shoes I saw her looking in the mirror saying "I pretty. I so pretty!" And, well, she is, ya know.

I hope your weekend was just the way you wanted it.

What kept you busy? Or bored?


  1. Your family is lucky....I fed mine leftovers last night. ;)

    Those pics of Porter and London are awesome (especially your little Princess with the curlers)!!

  2. We are totally not against repurposing a meal around here, it's happened many a time.

  3. You're better than me...we ended up doing cold cereal:) I love your blog! You are so funny:) You have adorable kids!

  4. Heres what kept me busy on Saturday.
    Jacob and I got a new car, registered and got it on my insurance all by noon. Then went out with my realtor (thanks a million Molly!) and then had a play to film at night, then go to the store and get all my ingredients for my soup I was making for dinner at Nana's and Papa's. Wheww!! But it was still a good day!

  5. You missed your calling in life - -You needed to be a WRiter!!!
    Sundays are always like that at my house too. You just seem to have a better attitude than I do about it. :) I love the story about your parents - - TOO CUTE!!!

  6. I'm dying to hear if your sisters are getting houses, and if so, what they look like. I love stuff like that! My Sundays are busy too. We have it in the a.m. and so I am always scurrying to get the three of us up, Maddy's hair done, breakfast, and then I usually leave before John and Maddy because I have to be to Primary early to help set up etc. now that I'm in the presidency. Who knew those presidency people did so much work?? lol

  7. Oh Moe! Thanks for the birthday wish! We need to play soon! I am less busy then you are so halla at your girl....that was me trying to be like old times.

  8. ironically i was just thinking about how busy my saturdays are! i was reading my old journal entries- and i was like, how the heck did i cram all that crap in ONE day? and why did i always save all my things i had to do for the weekends? seriously.

    but- good news Molly, dollface.
    i tried your texas sheetcake recipe... oh baby.
    OH BABY.
    thanks again for sharin' it.

  9. I love your new header.

    Our weekend was spent at the American Heritage festival, grocery shopping, shuttling kids to events, working (where were you?), church, choir, early morning meetings (who thought of 6am meetings on Sunday's?), afternoon meetings, a short nap, and baking. Busy bee, that's me!
