Monday, November 24

I checked Porter out early from school on Friday so we could all go play at Nana's house. That's okay, right? Olen says 'no', but I say 'yes'. Well, once in a while, yes.
I had a real estate continuing education class in the morning and projects to get done in Mesa that took the rest of the afternoon. I am almost done with my Christmas projects! Hip! Hip!
Saturday whizzed by with laundry catch up and other housekeeping tasks. Porter and I went for our Saturday morning three-mile bike ride and run with London in the jogging stroller. I love these moments. I'm teaching Porter hand signals and road safety. I let him "guide" us home and choose the route we go on. London likes to have Porter ride along with us. She says "Too far, Poe! Come back!" about a million times.
Porter said his arms and back got tired from the handle bars being too close to his chest. Me thinks some one needs a new bike. Someone with a birthday next month. Maybe he'll be able to go four miles then...hum.
Sunday was the Primary Program. My very favorite of all Programs. Porter delivered his line like an allstar. He looked so sharp up there with his glasses and tie; I got teary-eyed looking at my little pre-missionary man from my seat and thinking how time is going by way too fast for this mama.
London caught a cold some where in between Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Her right eye is all gooped over and she has a runny nose that gets wiped on her sleeve before I get back with the Kleenex. I'm hoping that with a boosted dose of vitamin c and rest we can kick this cold before Thanksgiving. We've had some passed-bed-time nights lately and we all need to be sleeping more.
So tell me this. Why was Porter potty trained in one week, never to wet the bed again, and London hides behind the drapes to "go" in her panties? What the heck. I started both at two and a half. I set the timer on the microwave to every fifteen minutes so that I can ask London if she needs to go potty. We did the candy thing, the sticker thing, we called grandmas and did the happy dance for going in the big-girl potty. So, why? I know it's been four and a half years since I did this potty-training thing, but I'm pretty sure I remember how it goes. Maybe I'm just not staying on top of it like I did with Porter? Or maybe Elle's just way too much of a spaz and needs to wait on it awhile longer? Porter has always caught on to new things quickly. Is this a sign for how things will be with my daughter? Yikes.
I keep buying the smaller bags of diapers (instead of the usual box of 120) saying "This is my last bag of diapers". Then the next week I say "No, really. This will be my last bag of diapers."
The way things are going, I see no last bag of diapers in sight.
Frustrated Mother Seeks Advice On Potty-Training Spazy and Sassy, Mostly Adorable and Marvelous, Two-Year Old Princess.


  1. I waited with my girls till they decided they were ready. It saved pulling hair and frustrated mom and daughter. Jocelyn was 2 1/2 and Cecily was NEARLY 3 but I would wait a little longer.

  2. All I know is that I am craving and dreading the potty training days (well mostly I'm craving the potty trained days). Good luck with your sassy princess--good thing she's so darn cute!

  3. I hate to break it to you, but it sounds like she is not ready yet. I once complained, nearly in tears, to my mother about my potty training trials with one of my kids. She laughed, why do mothers always laugh at their children's parenting trials, and said, "I've never seen a kindergartner in diapers."

    This made me step back and take the pressure off myself and my child. Needless to say, she is a potty trained and happy teen. Of course, she potty trained way before Kindergarten.

  4. good luck with that! wish i had help for ya, but i am gunna be in the same boat, myself, very soon.

    and you are almost done with your CHRISTMAS prep?
    oh my lanta, molly.
    oh my lanta.

    perhaps i SHOULD be using that Christmas organizing site...?

  5. Lindsey was my hardest to potty train; it seemed to drag on FOREVER. Finally I got sick of all the 'on purposes' in her pullups (I'm convinced they weren't accidents) and devoted a week to letting her run around bare bottomed. We didn't go anywhere, do anything and I cleaned up a LOT of messes those first few days. But after a week, it was over.

    I've also used the tactic of having them clean up the mess themselves (with me doing it over again after they've 'cleaned' it). I'm telling ya, cleaning out poopy panties is gross even to a 2 year old and they much prefer not to have to do it and make the connection that 'this is gross, it should be flushed and not mushed'. :) Good luck!

  6. Well I was going to tell you that maybe it's just not the right time for little L, but since everybody else did I won't. But I will tell you to keep up the good work and don't go too crazy!

  7. I don't have any clue but we will be crossing our fingures for you!

  8. aw, but she's just so CUTE. :)

  9. Oh Molly I feel your pain.

    Whoever said that girls are easier to potty train -- yeah right!?! I do have to agree with the others and say she doesn't really sound ready. So sorry.

  10. panties and toilets are over rated. just let her wear diapers the rest of her life.
    i wish mom let me do that. you never have to get up to go to the bathroom!
    that's the life.
